Monday, October 19, 2009

Feedback Space...

I, as a SIFE team member was very skeptical before I took the tour for the first time.... I was not sure if it would be feasible to conduct such a tour at all- after all, who cares so much about History, anyway! But as we headed off for the tour, my fears melted away as I started enjoying it. Just a ride through the lush green Ridge area is enough to get your spirits high.. The fact that I was with friends made it much cooler.. It was better than hanging out in Kamla Nagar or just sitting away inside CCD! The climb up the steep stairs at Pir Ghaib added the tiny bit of adventure to the trip, the view from up there being totally worth it!! We stopped at each monument, clicking pics, munching away some chips, pleasant weather, the company of good friends, nice places to sit around for a while, what more could I ask for?!.. So if you guys ever make a program for a movie which doesnt really work out, then DU Darshan is the next best alternative! Its right there within north campus, takes just about 2 hours and can be a great college memory with your friends!!


The trip today was really great!!!! Had a wonderful time. It certainly
is an eye opening and an adventurous trip in the campus. the history
of the whole DU campus is so rich and quaint and we have certainly got
one of the most "greenest" campus.
Apart from all this what i realised was that out of 16 sites 9 are
colleges only. I just hope it doesn't act as a drawback. But still it
was a wonderful experience and i think the trip should be extended to
2 hrs so that atleast the tourists or the students get to enjoy the
places to the fullest just the way we did today....the tour guides
were well versed though they need a bit of confidence which i think
will come eventually when we start organizing trips on a regular

-Siddhant Shah

What we've been upto!

SIFE- SRCC has been conducting regular DU Darshan tours on Saturdays in the past couple of months. We're trying to make the system efficient with each tour. We have also been conducting regular training sessions for the rickshaw pullers. We have made photo albums for pictures of the tour as well as pictures of the monuments so that people can know what the tour is about. Incase you are interested in taking the tour, please do contact us at!

Friday, October 16, 2009

memorable trips

everybody luks sooo happy:):)

sife freshers first trip

Ankit khirwal telling da 2nd years about the history of the ashokan pillar

2nd years at the pir gayab


first years at the mutiny memorial

at the gwyer hall

the rickshaw convoy:)!!!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Life On Wheels

Life On Wheels - 'Let then own what they owe' is the second project that was undertaken by SRCC-SIFE in the year 2008-09.

Most rickshaw pullers do not own the rickshaw that they pull. They pay a daily rent of anything between Rs 30-50 for years together. At this rate, over the years, they end up paying an amount several times the cost of a new rickshaw!

If they were to own the rickshaws, they would save a substantial part of their income and thus hope to raise their standard of living over time. Another problem that we noticed was the fact that they dint possess licences, thus making the very profession that they practise, technically illegal!

To enable the rickshaw pullers to own the rickshaws, the SIFE team arranged for loans to be given by Punjab National Bank to them. The rickshaws which will be provided to them are specially designed. The SIFE team has also obtained permission from the MCD (Municipal Corporation of Delhi) for 100 licences for this pilot project.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


SIFE was introduced in SRCC two years back and it has been fairly active since then. You can know more about SIFE (Students In Free Enterprise) by logging onto SIFE is an international NPO that aims at mobilizing the college youth into taking up projects that help create economic opportunities for the people in the community that they live in.

This year SIFE-SRCC has undertaken two projects- DU Darshan and Life On Wheels. The latter project is aimed at microfinancing the rickshaws so that rickshaw pullers can own them instead of paying a daily rent for years together.

Thus our two projects are directed at uplifting the rickshaw puller community by adding another dimension to the services offered by them and by promoting savings amongst them.

Special attractions..

Nominal cost of Rs. 70..
Tours conducted as per convenience too..
Specially designed brochure given to each tour-taker..
Delhi Tourism approved tour..

Besides, it really enhances your knowledge of the campus.. We bet most people don't know that there's an Ashokan Pillar right there in the north campus!..

next tour...

Hopefully the next tour will happen first week of August. The rickshaw pullers are being trained and posters regarding the tour shall be put up in all colleges shortly.
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