Sunday, October 23, 2011

We're good...And its certified!

Note- We do not work for certificates in SIFE.
Note again- But after working our pants-off throughout the year, if we are getting one, covered in an opulent blue amongst and by people who really matter, are we complaining? Absolutely not!
        The SIFE Certificate Distribution Ceremony was finally held on 21st October. The ceremony was held to acknowledge the efforts put in by all our SIFE 2nd and 3rd years in the past academic year.
         We had Mr. Ajay Maken, Minister of sports and youth affairs (independent charge) as chief guest! (Need we say more to elaborate on the worthiness of what we do!) Well, keeping all feelings of self-worth and general good (ness) aside, his mere presence was an inspiration for all of us. Another highlight of the ceremony was the distribution of gifts to those rickshaw pullers who have successfully repaid their loans. Trust me, the joy that was evident from their faces was so heart-warming, it made up for all the sweat and toil that has gone into the project.
       While Abhay Sir shied throughout the ceremony from receiving bouquets and the surprise-certificate we had planned for him, we want to add one thing, no certificate or bouquet can spell the amount of gratefulness that we have for you sir.
       For our seniors, it was a momentous occasion as they received the certificates, but for the freshers as well, it was a huge occasion. We got the official SIFE badge, that thing of beauty which each of the freshers was seen flaunting. And what was even more momentous for the freshers was the after ceremony, the refreshments! And also, our first official SIFE pose!
      All in all, it was a splendid affair, applauding the efforts of the seniors as well as luring the freshers to work even harder..after all not every member of SIFE gets the certificate!
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