Thursday, January 16, 2014

Enactus Hues: Inside Out

If I were to hire college students to work in my company, I would definitely take up every single Enactus member. It isn't because I'm biased! It's because I've realized the following have come to symbolize people in Enactus:

1. An Enactus member does not know what a holiday is. Holidays are meant to unwind. If your work does that for you,why take a day off?

2. Every Enactus member has learnt to take harsh constructive criticism from the batch above,all in good spirit.
3. An Enactus member knows how to sit through long meetings and take notes throughout without any hitch.

Here’s an enumeration on the 10 best suited jobs for Enactus members.

1. Time Managers : No matter how hard you work, can you slog through 25 8? No, is the only acceptable answer. This is why time is a paramount resource and regarded likewise at Enactus, SRCC. This notion combined with productivity at all times makes them the best bet.

2. A Dilli darshanist : Khari baoli and chandni chowk for supplies, far away villages for putting up puppet shows in government schools, various markets to sell detergent, cultural events to promote Kayakalp and communities to do our field research work- an Enactus member has been to every corner, got off at every station on every metro line to complete Enactus work. We can now set up our very own Delhi tours and show you the real Delhi effectivey. Of course, we also know where to find the best food in each place!

3.A detergent maker: Since the inception of Project Azmat, we alongside the women of Nekpur have learnt the ropes of detergent making. Thus now, every Enactus member knows where to get the supplies from and exactly how to manufacture the perfect detergent!   We might just be competing with NEKI in the market soon!

4. Researcher: You can only be a true Enactus member if you've spent at least fifteen hours researching on the Internet in the past week! Surfing the net with a cup of coffee past midnight has long become a way of life for every Enactus member.

5. Puppet makers: As part of our Project Kayakalp, we've been conducting puppet making workshops with our puppeteers. We can now use bottles, socks and gloves to make every kind of puppet: gangsters with goatees, old women with bald patches, teenagers with streaks and rockstars with sunglasses!

6. Salesmen: Selling detergent to picky women and the idea of puppet shows to strict school principals, to selling the idea of microcredit to rickshaw pullers, we've all become adept at marketing our products. And well, sales have only caught up overtime. So you can be sure that Enactus members can sell real well!

7. Disciplinarians: Every senior batch has to deal with a fresh inexperienced batch of junior members. From yelling at us to follow deadlines to repeatedly telling us to shut up during meetings, from teaching us to reach on time to encouraging us when we actually start following the rules, the seniors have certainly breath more discipline into our lives than our high school teachers!

8. Memory cards: After every meeting, visit or Enactus event, one of the attending members is supposed to put up a precise yet concise account of exactly what happened there. So we're all now programmed to remember the exact sequence of events and conversations each time!

9. Socialites: We're all so used to meeting various people, be it corporates or be it rural communities, be it talking through just other Enactus members on a two hour car journey to Nekpur or phone calls to various prospective sponsors or journalists, that we've all now definitely developed our social skills. We can talk to anyone, anytime, anywhere. Page three might just star an Enactus member sometime soon!

10. Motivational Speakers – Connecting with human emotions comes from the very nature of the work we at Enactus engage in. Many a times our long day’s work ends up with us indulging in some candid conversations with our communities driving home some savoury memories and emboldened spirits

All this and much more distinguishes us from a perfect class of entrepreneurs and credits us with being Social Entrepreneurs instead.

So all the companies looking for interns or new employees, you know whom to hire now!

- Devika Mathur
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