Thursday, August 28, 2014

The First Mile of Enactus Journey

When a little child first enters pre-school, he is hesitant. He has his apprehensions and fears which are overcome by the zeal to learn something new. Being an Enactus member, my journey was quiet the same. Clueless at the outset, I barely knew how the society was going to shape me, but eventually each one of us grew. With each passing day we became competent enough to handle the organisation.

A friend once asked me whether it is the effective mentorship of your seniors or your hard work that you have achieved so much. It is a combination of both – each element just in right proportion to sail us through every thick and thin.

The eternal joy of bringing smiles to our community is the driving force for the team. While everyone is willing to work towards their personal goals, we at Enactus share our passion to work for the greater good of society. 

Enactus has been a journey of innumerable experiences that has moulded me into a better individual and has given me the opportunity to grow professionally.  This organization has transformed me into a responsible individual. It has made me realise the significance of accomplishing each task well before time. 

Each day has been a learning experience - from team meetings to community visits, handling third parties on one end to dealing with communities on the other. 

Indeed, we have come a long way, but the journey doesn't end here. We are at the threshold of starting a new year with the upcoming batch and are looking forward to great times ahead.
To sum it up, here are few lines: 

Splash of memories refreshing the bygone year

From the initial step to the milestone accomplished

A butterfly hesitating to outfly its cocoon,

To experience a surrounding world,

Which is often unnoticed and curled,

A little effort to shape some lives

Enlightens someone’s world

From darkness to light

The joy of seeing those smiling faces

Inner satisfaction after managing changing phases

Better we grew with every step

Hundreds of stairs yet to climb above

Immense are the returns at the receiving end

 True became the saying

‘You receive more out of it, as much as you give ’

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