Friday, December 26, 2014

Enactus SRCC: Behind the Scenes

Amidst our endeavour to transform and revive the lives of our communities in Nekpur and Shadipur, there have been a number of humorous instances, which have left an indelible imprint on our minds and which bring a smile to our faces each time we remember them. First year members of Enactus SRCC recall some such moments from the first six months they spent in the organisation.

While returning from Nekpur, our Project Director got into a taxi which looked similar to ours. She was startled when she couldn’t find her belongings inside the car. The driver, understandably, was very surprised at her sudden appearance in his taxi. After a while, my friend and I indicated to her that she had boarded an entirely different car.
 ~Sarthak Agrawal

This incident took place in Tilonia where seniors, fellow Enactus first year members and I had gone for a two day visit. At night, one of the seniors spoke to us about his fear of lizards and had his bed changed with me as it was close to the wall and he was afraid of lizards falling off the wall, and on him. Another senior, while talking, accidentally dropped a tube of toothpaste, and the sound from the impact led the first senior to believe that it had been made by a lizard. He instantly jumped onto a bed in his panic, coupled with emphatic screaming on account of his terror that the lizard would reach him somehow. We laughed our hearts out!
~ Vaibhav Chowdhury.

After exasperating hours of witch hunting for an office in the lanes of Meerut, asking for directions and consulting Google Maps, we finally reached our destination - a cowshed!
~Abhishek Naulakha
On 5th September, during the Durga Puja days, I stepped onto the stage at a Pandaal in Dwarka, to address 1500 people. I was confident that it’d be a piece of cake, but as soon as I saw 3000 eyes staring at me, I realised that I was completely out of my element. Brimming with nerves and unease, I committed a blunder that I will always remember. “Now everyone, I present to you – the puppeteers from Kathputli colony, Nekpur", I announced. I made every attempt to take the words back – biting my tongue and covering my face with my hands in abject horror and disbelief. Kathputli colony is in Shadipur!
~ Parth Luthra.

A fellow team member and I reached Shadipur, to meet our community of puppeteers at around 01:20 p.m., panicking that the accompanying senior would be very annoyed, since we were 10 minutes late. Little did we know that she herself was going to be 2 hours late! We waited for her at the metro station till 3 p.m. She promised to take us out for lunch and to write the minutes for the visit in order to make it up to us.
~ Shrivika Dhawan.

After concluding a third party meeting at Hauz Khas, our Project Director, my fellow Enactus first year member and I left in an auto-rickshaw. Our Project Director thought that we would get down at the metro station and he planned on using the same auto to take him to his house, which was further ahead. En route, my friend and I decided to go to Hauz Khas market to grab a bite and relayed our plans to the senior. He got out of the auto, so that we could de-board and he could take the auto to his place. Unaware of his intentions, my friend asked the driver to carry on, waving to our senior, who had been left stranded by us. A few minutes later, realization dawned on us, accompanied by embarrassment and unreasonable hilarity. We called our senior to apologise, but I still tease my friend unmercifully whenever I recall the incident.
~Shubham Khemka

Such moments and experiences bring about bittersweet memories that make us realise how close Enactus really is to our hearts and how it has shaped us in the short time we’ve spent as its members. It has given us everything we could possibly want – memories, excitement, adventure, the inexplicable thrill of doing something by ourselves and most of all, a poignant sense of fulfillment. We sense the change in ourselves as we undergo a metamorphosis from “Helpers” to “Social Entrepreneurs” and we will reflect on these remarkable experiences when we spread our wings and take flight.

- Compiled by Rai Sengupta, Shubham Khemka, Aayush Aggarwal and Sumedha Arora
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