Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Ten Types of Freshman in an Enactus Interview

In our experience with Enactus over the years, we’ve taken countless interviews and interacted with many Enactus-hopefuls – so much so, that we can classify the juniors into 10 distinct categories, each with its own unique characteristic! So here’s a glimpse into what the waiting room for our interviews would consist of:

The Busy One
This person is perpetually busy, and can be identified by the constant need to move and rush off to places. He will ask for his interview to be rescheduled because of a timing conflict with some class or other society obligation, and then have a panic attack if he is asked to wait beyond his time-slot. On the positive side, he’s an extrovert; on the negative, he’s also an opportunist who promises to “manage his time” but often ends up struggling with the pulls of his many commitments.

The Stalker
To say that this person has done his research is an understatement. Not only does he know the names of all our projects, but he also knows our names too! His knowledge would've been impressive had he not had the creepy instincts to add us on all social media platforms already.

The Clueless One
He’s the opposite of the Stalker, and the word ‘research’ doesn’t exist in his vocabulary. What Enactus, what projects, what communities… it often seems like he’s the one interviewing us when he enters! He does a good job of selling himself despite not knowing the exact work we do, but his first impression isn’t always the most favourable as he can be deemed either uninterested or lazy – and both aren’t good!

The Gandhi Disciple
When asked for his reasons for wanting to join Enactus, he will quote the quintessential line “I want to give back to society.” Commendable thought, of course, but also an echo of the countless clichéd answers we’ve already received from a million other people before.

The Elite Chic
She walks in with a really expensive bag, heeled shoes and manicured nails. She shows signs of shock as we tell her about our communities and the conditions they live in. It's for certain that she's never stepped in the real India. Her interview doesn't go all that bad until we reach the community interaction part, where it's obvious that even pretending to speak in Hindi is equivalent to doing 100 calculus sums for her.

The Sassy One
This person thinks that he's too smart for the entire world, let alone our society. He walks in with an air of superiority and lists 100 accomplishments when we ask him to tell us about himself. He answers questions by quoting the project descriptions on our website and thinks we either won't notice, or even if we do, it would actually impress us.

The Hostler Breed
These one-of-a-kinds own a wardrobe of stag print pyjamas and do not know another dress code. They play the Residents card and win over the interviewees in the first ten minutes, before they stump them with their pre-prepared speech and close the deal. Their Hotel room and their proximity to the campus is a precious commodity indeed!

The OCD – Obsessive CV Disorder
He is willing to run a hundred miles just to get Enactus printed and highlighted on his CV, to show off before his future employment prospects. He divides his CV into four parts and spreads the best of achievements through the three years of college among them, Enactus still at the top. His standard response for "Why Enactus?" definitely starts with, "Along with adding value to my CV..."

The Comic One
He is witty as hell and sure knows how to get the ball rolling. He cracks the rocks on the interviewer bench and is a necessary evil in the interview game, giving us a much-needed respite from some of the more intensely serious candidates before him.

The Ones with the Spark
These people have a personality that lights up the entire room. Suddenly taking interviews for days at a stretch seems worth it. Their passion for our cause can easily be seen in the way they speak.

- By Ojas, Aanavi & Rohith
Our Advisory Board Members who have spent 3 years in Enactus and experienced and sat through many Interviews

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