Friday, May 1, 2015

Hasta La Vista!

The pride on their faces every time we succeeded, made us want to achieve more. Their guidance enabled us to achieve more.

Every time we needed their help, they were just around the corner. Every time we lost track, they showed us the right way.

As time passed, we realized that this held true not only for the projects we take up as Enactus, but also for each and every one of us in our personal and professional spheres.

Words will never be enough for us to describe how inspiring they are, how crazy they can be, or how thankful we are to them for all that they’ve taught us.

Read on to know what makes us so fond of our Advisory Board 2014-15!

Aanavi -
Stuck with grammar related doubts? Need to learn the difference between 'their' and 'there'? Aanavi is the best person you can approach to clear your queries even at 1 a.m. But be prepared, you may end up receiving extended gyaan on nomenclature, usage, exceptions, metaphors - often peppered with classy sarcasm. Aanavi is one of the most patient and hard working members the organization has ever seen.

Akanksha -

A girl whose best friends are her treasured novels, Akanksha has a flair for writing.  Often described as the 'sweetie' in her batch, Akanksha is gifted with a beautiful smile that can light up any one's mood.

Anmol -
There is never a dull moment when the ever-cheerful Anmol is around! She has managed to develop a close relationship with every member of the team across all three batches. If ever you need anything, from a good word of advice to an insane conversation Anmol is the person you should go meet!

Dhriti -

 Dhriti loves Roger Federer more than Free Wi-Fi! She’ll only miss a tennis match if it’s for work. She will always give you the bravest and most honest opinions, which is what makes her stand out. She is undoubtedly the most frank and straightforward person we know yet graces a soft spoken appeal to her.

Samin -

Samin is the perfect blend of professionalism and fun. The quintessential Punjabi boy, he is the perfect supervisory presence across all departments. He possesses the fantastic ability to make the drabest of work enjoyable through his positive and cheerful attitude.

Manav -
Manav is one of the friendliest, most warm-hearted people we’ve come across. His edgy sense of humour never fails to charm anyone. Thank you for making the Nationals’ train journey from Delhi to Bombay a memorable one with the great stories.

Kanika -
Kanika gels with the junior batches just as well as she does with the senior ones! You can talk to her about anything under the sun. She never judges the confiders and has retained this childish essence in her that we all find absolutely adorable!

Rohith -

Our favourite South Indian, our tech-wiz and our source of all hostel gossip! Preparation for the nationals would have been a real nightmare without Rohith and his never ending knowledge and expertise.

The banker who constantly likes challenging himself, Rohith has an aura of calm surrounding him - he is a borderline saint!

Mitali -

Perhaps the most effervescent presence at the coop, Mitali is a people’s person with a passion for everything HR – related! She possesses a unique perspective, true to her dramatist self. She loves playing Agony Aunt and does a perfect job at it, as well.


Swoyan -

Despite his irrational love for the colour black, his heart is pure gold. When this “chilled out” person is not busy giving free advice to people, he likes to sing and entertain everyone with his beautiful voice. His sharp business acumen is sure to take him places!

Shikha -
Shikha is the first person to walk up to for a heart-to-heart conversation, who is sure to lighten up the atmosphere with her cheerful smile! She is the one to look out for on any special occasion for her wonderful clothing collection.


Ojas -
Known for her “insanely bad yet funny in a weird way” jokes, she can light up any room she walks into just with her smile. Ojas is very creative and fun loving, and has a positive outlook towards life! Her simple, uncomplicated approach to life is ever inspiring.

Swarnima -

She is the person who will take care of everyone and ensure that no one is hungry while working. Her genuine concern for everyone makes you warm up to her instantly. She is very soft-spoken, yet she exudes authority when needed. One could always expect the trademark “Ha Bollo” whenever you meet her.

We wish you get everything you've dreamt about. We hope you get more than you ever could have imagined. Who knows where life will take you. The road is long and in the end, the journey is the destination.

We are lucky to have seniors like you all, who have moulded us tirelessly to make us what we are today. For this, we are ever grateful. Saying goodbye is difficult, but we bid adieu with the warmest wishes.

Thanks for the memories, Seniors.

We love you all!

- Written by Ria, Vaibhav, Rai & Nistha
   Edited by Anshika, Devika, Kanupriya, & Mihika

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