Saturday, July 4, 2015

In Retrospect: Takeaways, Memories and Learning

"Two roads diverged in a yellow wood
And sorry I could not travel both,
I took the one less traveled by
And that has made all the difference" ~ Robert Frost

Life is a long road they say, and every bend in the road, every turn holds meaning and transforms us for the better.
Being inducted into Enactus SRCC was one such milestone in my life that has transformed who I am, forever. It has given me a lifetime worth of experiences, packed into a year, and has taught me to push my limits, time and again.
If I were to list down some of the ways Enactus has transformed me, then the top five changes would be as follows -

1. Being a part of Enactus has definitely improved my eye for detail. (When one's seniors are such sticklers for perfection, one needs to maintain high standards!)
Whether it is proof reading a mail before sending it, or usage of correct punctuation, Enactus has definitely brought out the Grammar Nazi in most of us!

2. Enactus has helped me become more innovative. My friends from other colleges can scarcely believe that I have contributed to writing scripts in Hindi on topics ranging from open defecation to girl safety, for puppet shows. In this sense, Enactus not only sees possibilities in terms of income generation and well being for our communities, but also transforms student members like me, by making us push our limits and be part of things we'd never thought of. 

3. Enactus has made me a more sensitive person. It has provided me with certain implicit understanding of our communities that helps me empathise with their problems and merge with their social fabric. Sipping lassi with dairy farmers in Karnal, and sitting atop a rooftop in the slums of Shadipur while the puppeteers practice, are rare and beautiful experiences, each one of which has sensitised me about the great divide between the haves and the have nots.

4. I cannot stress enough on how much Enactus has taught me the importance of team work. From filling out competition write ups together to dividing parts for compering, from meetings fixed and attended to campaigns planned and executed, Enactus SRCC functions as a team and being part of it has made me a team player. 

5. Finally, Enactus has taught to never give up. Be it a third party follow up, or a campaign or a proposal to be approved, if one tries hard enough, the power of human agency is bound to come through, and then there's no stopping change. Nobody can stop anyone from making that difference. And I'm thankful to Enactus SRCC for giving me that optimistic outlook in life. 

When I look at my first year in college, I realise how big a part of it Enactus SRCC has been. 
In seeking to transform the lives of others, I never realised how immensely it would transform my own. 

And I'm glad for the difference.

- Written by Rai Sengupta
Edited by Jaideep Mann, Maya Bajaj & Vishal Aditya Sahoo
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