Wednesday, December 21, 2016

What Brims With Optimism and Opportunity

At Enactus SRCC, efforts are continually made to drive change and to engender passion. We immerse ourselves completely in the recruitment procedure to ensure that the ‘crème de la crème’ is taken on board to take the organization further. 

As our efforts come to fruition, our first year members recall their recruitment journey and experiences in the organisation so far.

20th July 2016, New Delhi: Having entered the portals of the college they have aspired getting into, the newly admitted students of Shri Ram College of Commerce, Delhi University, leave the auditorium after the orientation session with both anticipation and excitement. Torn to delightful shreds, these students suddenly developed a keen interest in a group huddled together outside the auditorium. They stood out from the rest of the student body in the college and sported blue t-shirts with ‘Enactus SRCC’ inscribed on them, stirring their curiosity even further. These fresh minds were extremely curious to know what Enactus stood for and who these students were. Through reliable sources, these students gathered that Enactus is a premier global student-run organization. “Enactus is a community of student and business leaders who use the power of entrepreneurial action to improve lives and create a better world.” said one senior student. The blue T-shirts left an indelible impression on the minds of the first year students who were still absorbing the multitude of avenues that could be explored in college. With commendable aspirations and the willingness to make a difference, the idea of social entrepreneurship cutting across all barriers and stereotypes to help the underprivileged sealed their determination to be a part of this community.

29th July 2016, New Delhi: Enactus at Shri Ram College of Commerce conducted its orientation, which turned out to be a huge success. Several first year students could be seen crowding outside Rooms 23, 24 and 25 1:00pm onwards. “The orientation was supposed to commence at 1:30pm and as soon as the rooms were ready, students rushed to grab a seat while others were left standing in a room imbued with energy”, said an observer. Owing to the expected influx of students, the orientation was carried out in three adjacent rooms, all equally crowded and frenzied. The orientation started off with hushing the crowd and ended with an amazed batch of first year students. Unabashed eagerness could be seen writ on each of the faces as they took notice of the number of students inducted in the previous batch: 40. “As the orientation was nearing its end, the only question on my mind was where the form could be filled and submitted”, said a first-year student. The orientation ended with the Enactus World Cup video which reflected the kind of togetherness, sportsmanship and diversity existing in the organization. The essence of empowerment, the importance of extending a hand and the tenacity of social entrepreneurship as an ideology drove right across to these students.

9th August 2016, New Delhi: When the registrations opened, a lively air resonated across the college. The feeling was mutual for every student – it was a concoction of excitement, nervousness and most importantly, passion. The forms were worded with questions which made the applicants think, use their grey cells and write about themselves in the most natural way. The group discussions which ensued were thought provoking, forcing the applicants to think deeply on various socioeconomic issues that exist in today’s world. Students kept the discussions alive beyond the four walls of the tutorial block and actively looked forward to the list of students who would have made it to the personal interview round, the final stage of recruitment.

19th August 2016, New Delhi: It was very apparent that most of the students selected for the personal interview round were terrified when they went in. Looking at the grim visages of the several interviewers, their fears did not seem to be unfounded. Fortunately, the interview itself turned out to be calming yet incisive, giving rise to so many new ideas and thoughts into the students’ minds that there wasn’t much space left for anxiety.

3rd September 2016, New Delhi: After an exhaustive recruitment process, Enactus SRCC finally released the list of students who had been recruited in the 2016 batch at 10:24pm. ‘The list of applicants who have been recruited into Enactus SRCC can be found at’ read the Facebook post. With bated breath and a pounding heart, applicants scrolled through the short list, motivated by the chance of seeing their name in the table. Some, however, were spared from this nerve-wracking procedure of knowing the results. “I checked my mobile phone by chance and saw it flooded with congratulatory messages. I didn’t even know that the results were out”, said Megha Singhal. The newly inducted team members rejoiced on being a part of the Enactus kindred.

21st December 2016, New Delhi: With more than three months into the organisation, these impressionable minds have transformed into more sensitive individuals, with the ability to rationalize and attempt to tackle the issues at hand. The quantum of involvement and vigour is worth witnessing in the team meetings which are held to discuss the issues plaguing society and the solutions that could be found to them. The organization keeps them on their toes and doesn’t hesitate to that ensure everyone delivers to their full potential.

Precision, punctuality, persistence and team work are the cornerstones of Enactus as an organization, and these have effectively percolated down to the first year members.

Right from travelling to the dairies running under Project Sattva near Karnal, Haryana to researching into various aspects of turning the world around, the journey has instilled a sense of empathy and belonging in them. “Joyfully matching tunes with the puppeteers in Shadipur, making laddoos with the didis in the dairies and moulding clay products with the potters in Uttam Nagar make me realize how Enactus SRCC is all about its communities”, said Insha Pandit.

With memories that keep them warm, hope that illuminates their mind, desire that provokes progress, work that keeps them busy and a happy heart that celebrates and savors each moment as a source of future experience and exuberance, all the first year members are delighted to have Enactus SRCC as a milestone in their academic and personal journey. They understand that what lies ahead of them shall only be a remarkable journey with many more lessons to learn and communities whom they shall help smile again.

Written by Arshita Malhotra, Insha Pandit and Zitin Kaul
Edited by Sudhrit Banerjee

Graphic by Arshita Malhotra

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Bon Voyage!

Goodbyes are not easy and saying goodbye to some of the best people in one's life can be difficult. As our seniors from the batch of 2016 graduate and go forth along their diverse paths, let us take a step back to remember how truly wonderful these people are, and what make them some of the biggest inspirations of our lives.



The person who started off as one of the 'strictest' seniors, and subsequently became the 'coolest guy'. He is the one who does his unique dance move on every song out there, who addresses team meetings with awkward pauses and makes it difficult for us to contain our laughter (So...), who makes beautiful venn diagrams and flow charts on the board, who always narrates his crazy experiences on field visits, who gives the best career advices, who always goes out of the way to help us in any aspect, and the one who has eventually made a special place in all of our hearts. 'Signing Off' with loads of love.



If there's anyone you'd want to meet to fill you with positivity and optimism, you should meet Mihika. Her calm and composed attitude in the face of the biggest setbacks is an inspiration for us all. Her dedication towards whatever she does leaves us all in awe! For one, she didn't take a single day's leave last year!
Only when you'd think that's all- you should read her blog- she's a writer- an extraordinary one at that!
Not to forget, if there's something she loves to talk about- it's food. Do ask her for suggestions for joints across Delhi when you get the time! 
Her enthusiastic and encouraging presence will be missed dearly!



A complete package of intellect, looks, generosity and talent. He's one of the most chilled-out seniors of the batch and can make even the toughest of problems seem like a cake walk. You should see him work on photoshop- it'd definitely make you feel inferior about yourself- as to how someone can be so good at this age!
His presence fills the room with so much cheer and fun! Your 'techie' presence will be missed!



Known for her love for selfies, Gurveen is the reigning queen of all social media!

With an ever-smiling face and an enthusiastic take on life, she never fails to see the positives in life. Gurveen exudes bucket loads of cheeriness and is always ready for some fun! Ms. Ghai is Enactus SRCC's very own version of a pocket sized fire cracker!



Who knew PR could be so much fun? Anshika is a ball of enthusiasm and creativity, spreading her love for PR throughout the entire first year team. But with that, comes a Peppy Senior, correcting our use of punctuation, grammar and spacing, in descriptions throughout all platforms and this is one of the many admirable qualities of Anshika. 
Anshika is one of the most creative and fun-loving seniors this organisation has seen.



Being thoroughly sorted about his life is something which comes naturally to Prateek. While talking to him you just cannot help but wonder, 'Wow, what will it take to be like him!", which can get a bit unnerving, once you have a reality check. But quite surely, the champ's effervescent smile and disarming humility will assuage your doubts, making you more self-assured, all before you can say 'Prateek Manudhanya' :)


The Ladies' Man as you may call him, Shaishav is a real gentleman with impeccable manners. He is one of the most soft-centred and warm-hearted peeple one can come across, who can always manage to put a smile on your face. If there's anything you need, other than a hug, this Nepali 'tech-freak' is the person to go to!



Behind his calm and composed persona, is an extremely fun-loving, friendly and talkative person. One of the most approachable seniors in Enactus, Divyat is always willing to brainstorm with us, and ready to give suggestions and feedback whenever we need it! His dedication towards eating food from any lunch box was equally offset by his regularity at the gym, and his ability to manage multiple things at the same time remains an inspiration for us all!



He is the quintessential guy from Kolkata, or as he prefers, Calcutta. No one realises how time flies discussing projects and research with Sharad. His face is always beaming with a smile and makes everyone around him, happy and cheerful. His typical way of speaking has become addictive to many of us and has found way to one of our Kayakalp shows as well!



Rishi is one of the friendliest and most light-hearted people one can ever come across. He loves teasing and taunting absolutely everyone- something he did to his juniors throughout his second year!
His prudent words of encouragement and praise that come at the most difficult times not only help in livening the spirit of each and everyone around him, but also add to the charisma of this young entrepreneur.
In possession of a beaming smile capable of lighting up the entire town, Rishi is a perfectly brewed concoction of humour and wit. Wishing him all the success in life, and with the kind of gentleman that he is, we wish nothing but the best for him.



Aarushi needs no introduction in college. From topping the University in her very first year, to making it to IIM Ahmedabad (and Bangalore), she has added a million feathers to her hat already. Her never-give-up spirit is inspiring and infectious. Besides being compassionate and caring, she has a really fun side to her, and her humour may not be for the dummies but is bound to make you ROFL!



Samarth is the multi-talented genius whom everyone MUST meet. He is an excellent debater, quizzer, (script) writer and a football player. In short, he's witty and too cute! To top it all, his calm composure makes him a pleasant person to talk to! He's accomplished much but yet is as humble as it could get!



Got a problem? Nitya is the person you should head to. With immense patience and care, she will listen to you and give advice that you could bet your life on. But in case the advice doesn't work out the way you expected, her warm smile will make you feel better about the world and its ways. 
Being the sweetest person around, she makes sure that nobody is left unaffected by her contagious excitement about anything and everything.
One would feel obliged to have met her! 


You can observe her lost in her books at the library; you can find her tossing her hair frivolously at the co-op; you can spot her hiding her face at the sight of a camera!
If there is one word that's meant to define this versatile woman, it would be 'sunshine'. You can never help but keep marvelling at this girl with a golden heart! There's never a day when you don't wish well for her, because from the time you've spent with her, you fathom how immaculate her heart is. 
Words cannot do justice to the amount of love and respect we all carry for you. 

You're sunshine Jaya, may you shine bright, the way you always have.



There are very few people who possess wit and intellect in an equal ratio; well Sanket is one of them. It's absolutely impossible to outsmart Sanket as he never fails to impress all those around him with his quick-witted answers and immense knowledge on every subject matter!
Well that's not all to this Mr. Smarty Pants as he is equally funny, sarcastic, quirky and chucklesome, a person who undoubtedly excels at taking everyone's case.

May you continue to mesmerize people with your sharp reasoning and brilliance in the years to come.



The most creative senior, he exemplifies wit, humour, hard-work and dedication. A gifted singer, Sharanya pens down lyrics for puppet shows and negotiates deals with equal panaché. His million quirks, including his aversion to sitting in the metro, make him the crazy one in the batch. Ever smiling, he looks far ahead and envisions the project so close to his heart, going miles ahead. Charm and positivity are second nature to him, and we hope he retains these qualities as he makes his way to Bombay!



Bhavya is one of the most friendly and warm-hearted persons you'll come across. He is known for his sarcastic comments, puns, and trendy combinations of striped shirts and shorts. Bhavya is like that guy in every group who's in for every plan but somehow manages to get the best grades as well. Your crazy hairstyles, sarcastic comments and amazing football skills will be missed.



Tuheena, with her quick wit and brilliant sense of humour, can lighten up one's mood every time one meets her. 
A talented singer, one can endlessly listen to her sing. She's got beautiful eyes, making her a classic case of beauty with brains. Oh, and she's a brilliant writer- her blog is testimony to that fact!



It's quite amazing to see the kind of enthusiasm she has for each and every post and the way she can come up with a description in a couple of minutes. It's really inspiring to see the kind of passion and dedication she has towards Enactus and the PR Department. There were times when one got disheartened because despite having posts everyday, the organisation was not able to increase the reach of its pages, but she kept one motivated and pushed one to come up with a new campaign every time! She is one of the most hardworking members the  organisation has ever seen!


Canny and wise, rational and insightful, sweet and pleasant. That's our very own IPCC rank 6 in 6 words.

Pooja is an absolute genius! She undertakes the most complex tasks yet she succeeds in performing or we should say "conquering" them with much ease. Her humble and kind self has always made us look up to her with awe and admiration. We always find it practically impossible to understand how she manages to become the master of all trades so effortlessly.
Pooja, you are truly an inspiration! We are sure your great intelligence and hard-work will take you places!


Our seniors exemplify the virtues of hard work, dedication and determination. They embody the willingness to learn, to adapt and to grow. As they take leave of college, and for some of them, this city - we wish the best of luck in all that they have set out to do. Go forth and conquer the world, we're here to cheer you on!

Lots of love!

Edited by- Ilakshi and Keshav
Graphics and Picture Credits - Tanvi and Priyal
Compiled by - Anuj, Deeksha and Ananya

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

What Certificate?

We are in our final semester of college, sweating it out to figure where we’re headed next, counting the days we have left here and dreading every passing day. We find ourselves in a very uncomfortable state of mind, especially considering how well we had settled in the past three years. As I fall prey to mixed emotions and look back to identify my greatest takeaway, learning and experience, I’d give the complete and absolutely unexaggerated credit to my time at Enactus SRCC.

I remember walking past Room 1 nonchalantly on an August morning a few years back as I was interrupted, and a little amused, by how the room was brimming with people, the crowd spilling out of the windows and doors, and many more observing the proceedings from outside.I stood on my toes to steal a peek of what the fuss was all about. It was the Enactus SRCC Orientation, and it was something I had heard about for the very first time. Reasonably impressed and appropriately intrigued, I appeared for the interview – with a runny nose and a burning forehead. Whether it was the constant, distracting sneezes or the absent minded answers that managed to strike some chord right, I could never tell, but some lucky (probably, sympathetic) judgement led to my acceptance as team member. Little did I know, that something I chanced upon so unknowingly, would go on to become such a treasured bundle of memories.

I remember my first footsteps into the curiously meandering lanes of Kathputli Colony, spellbound by the colours and the conversations. I remember the wrinkled hands of that woman in Nekpur firmly placed on my head, to bless me with all heart in our very first encounter. I remember my heart warming to the idea of the organization, but my mind desperately trying to find my purpose and intent in this 60 odd member team.

I remember the clueless inhibitions being put to rest by our seniors whotirelessly repeatedthe facts of the projects for our thick skulls to absorb, get inspired and act. I remember the zeal with which we, total rookies to the whole concept, pounced upon the first chance to visit the communities, dispatch any material ormeet the who’s who, photographs of whom we’d only seen in print before.I remember unthinkingly choosing meetings over classes and forgetting to eat lunch during eight hour long visits.I remember the excitement of getting to share our visiting cards the first time and arguing over the tiniest situations to feel a sense of belonging. I remember lost roads that ended up at the right destinations and staying glued to the phone planning work and visits, while my parents taunted me for “not having any time for anything else”. I remember the first time the community called me to communicate an issue, and the jovial relationship we fostered hence. I remember standing tall – shoulders back, chin up and fingers trembling – trying to explain the magnitude and quality of our work to a crowd that was predominantly alien and intimidating, but was peppered with the enthusiastic, encouraging smiles of our team members who had worked painstakingly all year to produce those kind of results. Smiles, so wide and bright, that every word I spoke was infused with a pride that was rather difficult to withhold behind that mike. I remember the year ending on the realization that I had met people of real substance, who were sure to inspire me for a long time to come. First year made us more sensitive to the numerous challenges around us and ignited in us the passion to improve lives, to work hard and to celebrate the experience.

I remember stepping into second year – nervous, but resolute. EnactusSRCC was no more to be a carousel – it was time to take on the roller coaster! The organization was now our responsibility, with expectations thrust upon us by our communities, our seniors and even, our juniors, and only building with time. No more casual chatter about the work, but the time to perform and excel.I remember working out a professional personality so I’d get work done. I remember baring a composed exterior, when my insides were screaming in confusion. I remember conversation after conversation leading to intense discussion, and having to make sense of conflicting opinions, while always remembering how every opinion was directed to the same goal. I remember the “Never mind, we tried” moments, just as well as I do the “Eureka” moments. I remember the transition from second guessing every decision to spontaneously reaching common conclusions. I remember it being a year of prolonged periods of disappointment, quick flashes of achievement and a constant journey of discovery. Second year was some tough decisions and worried nights but second year helped us see the more real side to an organization like Enactus SRCC, that wasn’t all roses and candy like first year, but that helped us gain a much better understanding of ourselves, our strengths and our shortcomings.

Unsurprisingly, third year left most of us battling an existential crisis. Despite having passed on the baton, it is overwhelming to come to terms with the fact that we have to now let go of something that completely occupied our mind space over time and taught us such hard and lasting lessons. Enactus SRCC helped us all in our unique ways – for some, it was about gaining the confidence to speak their mind, while for others, it was about channeling their intellect towards bringing real change. Some of us learnt to accept our mistakes and grow from them, and some others learnt to appreciate differing opinions and value them well. Regardless of the individual role we played, we all have our reasons for always remembering this organization to be one that touched our lives, and changed it.

I often find myself wondering what it is that makes our experience at Enactus SRCC so close to the heart.Is it the quality of work we are exposed to? Or the communities we empower? Is it the fantastic opportunities for self-development that we encounter? Or the inspiring industry people we meet? Sure, all of them in varying proportions, for each of us. But the more I think about it, the more I am convinced that at the end of the day, what makes Enactus SRCC stand out from the rest, is the team that makes it. The people, who stood united, driven and supportive through all the bumps and who laughed, cried and hugged in the victories. Each person working at this organization carries with them an individuality that is difficult to tarnish, creating an atmosphere of nothing but mutual respect and admiration that makes working at Enactus SRCC, a hobby more than a task. And that’s what I’ll miss the most about the organization. I’ll always think of it as the organization with a team who settled for nothing short of excellence.

Written by Mihika Sharma

Monday, April 4, 2016

The Dream Unfolds

What started with a 'kachhi basti' performance has now led to performances in the Russian Embassy, and across other renowned platforms across the nation. From struggling to get two shows per month to performing 200 shows a year, the puppeteers of Kathputli Colony, Shadipur have come a long way.
 This story began with the ambition of Shreyasi Mehndiratta and Shruti Paul, who envisioned the dream for the puppeteers in order for them to regain their lost respect and recognition. Puppetry in India has seen a downward gradient from being an art which lit up the Indian streets and courtrooms, to being pushed to hopeless anonymity reduced by the contemporary forms of entertainment. It has never been a smooth sailing. From pitiable livelihood conditions to miserable employment avenues, life was in shambles for the puppeteers of Kathputli Colony. For puppeteers Raju, Vikram, Vinay and Ravi, the art form of puppetry is the legacy their forefathers left behind.

When Project Kayakalp was first conceived, it took a full six months to convince this community of puppeteers about the feasibility and sustainability of the venture. Doesn’t everyone have that moment: an experience, an epiphany, getting fired, getting desperate, getting fed up, and getting lucky enough to have fortune outshine fate? A similar story followed for these puppeteers as well when Kayakalp came into picture.

However, it was just the beginning, just the launch of the flight that awaited its magnificent journey. The first show was themed against bullying and after their first show; a series of firsts followed: the first episode of their new life, the first feeling of fulfillment, the first thunderclap of applause and a first feeling of belonging. There was no looking back from there. Trust us when we say then: they had their own trepidations and apprehensions- a group of 200 people, a bedlam of 200 voices- “Is this the opportunity we were waiting for?” The literal meaning of Kayakalp- “rejuvenation” has indeed got a special connotation for these puppeteers- there are some very specific instances in everyone’s life that evolve them, that change them for the better, that vitalize them and rejuvenate them only to be cherished forever and quite congruently, Kayakalp has been that “specific instance” for them. This is where the endeavor of Kayakalp came into effect to smoothen things out. Defying all odds and doubts, going against the misgivings which persisted in the back of the mind; a new initiative carved in to ripen these amateurs into the maestros of puppetry. And blindly trusting their instincts and respecting the trust of the puppeteers imposed in them, the Kayakalp members moved ahead with full vigor and enthusiasm- set out to win some battles if not the world. And gradually, many battles were won, many achievements were forged and many lives were made.

In January, 2016 Kayakalp performed its 600th show. How gratified and spirited we feel whenever we revisit the Kayakalp journey; putting forth the vivid imagery of the deft hand movements of those ambitious puppeteers, of the several occasions celebrated, of the tea which we have to drink on a Shadipur visit, of the dilapidated place turned into the haven of art. It would be no exaggeration to claim that the overwhelming aura with which Kayakalp has left all of us awestruck is a one to swoon over. What's more important than the increase in income is the feeling of satisfaction and accomplishment that these puppeteers feel. While Enactus bids farewell to Kayakalp, we would like to say that this journey has been remarkable. It is time to realize that there's always some good in goodbyes. For one will have to leave something behind to move forward. We are happy to see the puppeteers taking a step towards success. To see them as entrepreneurs is all we wanted and now we are proud to see Kayakalp actually pulling the strings of change.

Written by Archit Taluka and Harsha Jain
Edited by Rai Sengupta

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Turning Disability Into Ability

As he looked to the top, he saw his destination. 
He knew where he was going, but for him, the question was- how
Dependent as he was, he glanced nervously for a helping hand. 

But today, gone are those days. 
Today, he doesn't just move, he steps forward and proves, 
That being independent, gives him a sense of self-respect.
Stairs, one that once seemed like a mammoth task, 
Those obstacles don't seem so intimidating anymore. 
Shine of his teeth replaced the smear 
Of hopelessness that he was oh so familiar with.
Snapping out of his train of thought, 
He pushed forward on his wheelchair, a moment of gratitude 
For the sense of independence instilled in him.

For Persons with Disabilities (PwDs), universal accessibility is critical for enabling them to gain access to equal opportunity and live independently and participate fully in all aspects of life in an inclusive society.

In an ambitious move that aims to empower such persons, the government recently launched the “Accessible India Campaign” (Sugamya Bharat Abhiyan) which seeks to make at least 50 percent of all government buildings in the national capital and all state capitals “fully accessible” for the disabled by July 2018. Similar deadlines have been set to make airports and railway stations accessible to the disabled. The initiative is also in line with the Article 9 of UNCRPD (UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities) to which India is a signatory from 2007.

This can be seen as a huge step in a country wherein the people have been rendered "disabled". It informs the masses that the disabled people deserve it – it is a play of karma, a retribution for their past actions. It was seen as a justified penalty imposed by the supernatural forces on the disabled people. The disabled where shamed, excluded and seen as vile. They were covered with a shroud through vicious negative social sanctions which made them invisible – they were othered, and all of this seemingly was warranted by the cultural apparatus made up of disrespectful gestures and words such as langra, andha – their identity as a disabled person eclipsed every other aspect of their existence.

When we were equipped with the ideological faculties of the 21st century, we looked at disability through a very different lens – one which wasn’t as distorting. In case of India most of the efforts to redress the situation have come from the disabled people itself – who have relentlessly made demands to the government by coming up with additional clauses and evasions in the policy frameworks. These people are marginalised, even the institutions of soft power verify this fact as we have two different streams on for the disabled and one for the rest in  

Furthermore, disability and poverty are thoroughly connected. There is a high incidence of disability in poor households, which adds up to the economic strain too.

We are all physically disabled at some time in our lives.  A person with a broken leg, a helpless child, a mother with a pram, an elderly person etc.- we are all disabled in some way. These disabilities often create disparities amongst us and we often expect quite a lot from the world around us. Needs of the disabled coincide with the needs of majority, and all people are at ease with them.  As such, designing the facilities for the majority implies designing and planning for people with varying abilities and disabilities.
An important aim of society is to integrate persons them so that they can actively participate in society and lead a normal life.  Ideally, a disabled person should be able to commute between home, work place and other destinations with independence, convenience and safety. The more persons with disabilities are able to access physical facilities, the more they will be part of the social mainstream.

The Accessible India Campaign is a very promising start, but we need to realise that the problem is not as narrow as the doors, that can be easily widened. In order to include the disabled, we need to ensure that these people are properly represented by the media so as to make them a part of the wider discourse, to make sure that disrespectful words are not synonymous to the word disable, we need to go beyond the biological understanding of disability and see it as socially constructed, we need to make sure that a differently abled person doesn’t transpose his/ her disability with their self-perception so that there isn’t any form of victimisation. We need to reimagine the meaning and implications of disability so as to let the hues of shame and isolation fade.

Written by Anuj Dehmiwal, Nidhi Sangli and Ilakshi.
Edited by Abhishek Naulakha
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