Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Bon Voyage!

Goodbyes are not easy and saying goodbye to some of the best people in one's life can be difficult. As our seniors from the batch of 2016 graduate and go forth along their diverse paths, let us take a step back to remember how truly wonderful these people are, and what make them some of the biggest inspirations of our lives.



The person who started off as one of the 'strictest' seniors, and subsequently became the 'coolest guy'. He is the one who does his unique dance move on every song out there, who addresses team meetings with awkward pauses and makes it difficult for us to contain our laughter (So...), who makes beautiful venn diagrams and flow charts on the board, who always narrates his crazy experiences on field visits, who gives the best career advices, who always goes out of the way to help us in any aspect, and the one who has eventually made a special place in all of our hearts. 'Signing Off' with loads of love.



If there's anyone you'd want to meet to fill you with positivity and optimism, you should meet Mihika. Her calm and composed attitude in the face of the biggest setbacks is an inspiration for us all. Her dedication towards whatever she does leaves us all in awe! For one, she didn't take a single day's leave last year!
Only when you'd think that's all- you should read her blog- she's a writer- an extraordinary one at that!
Not to forget, if there's something she loves to talk about- it's food. Do ask her for suggestions for joints across Delhi when you get the time! 
Her enthusiastic and encouraging presence will be missed dearly!



A complete package of intellect, looks, generosity and talent. He's one of the most chilled-out seniors of the batch and can make even the toughest of problems seem like a cake walk. You should see him work on photoshop- it'd definitely make you feel inferior about yourself- as to how someone can be so good at this age!
His presence fills the room with so much cheer and fun! Your 'techie' presence will be missed!



Known for her love for selfies, Gurveen is the reigning queen of all social media!

With an ever-smiling face and an enthusiastic take on life, she never fails to see the positives in life. Gurveen exudes bucket loads of cheeriness and is always ready for some fun! Ms. Ghai is Enactus SRCC's very own version of a pocket sized fire cracker!



Who knew PR could be so much fun? Anshika is a ball of enthusiasm and creativity, spreading her love for PR throughout the entire first year team. But with that, comes a Peppy Senior, correcting our use of punctuation, grammar and spacing, in descriptions throughout all platforms and this is one of the many admirable qualities of Anshika. 
Anshika is one of the most creative and fun-loving seniors this organisation has seen.



Being thoroughly sorted about his life is something which comes naturally to Prateek. While talking to him you just cannot help but wonder, 'Wow, what will it take to be like him!", which can get a bit unnerving, once you have a reality check. But quite surely, the champ's effervescent smile and disarming humility will assuage your doubts, making you more self-assured, all before you can say 'Prateek Manudhanya' :)


The Ladies' Man as you may call him, Shaishav is a real gentleman with impeccable manners. He is one of the most soft-centred and warm-hearted peeple one can come across, who can always manage to put a smile on your face. If there's anything you need, other than a hug, this Nepali 'tech-freak' is the person to go to!



Behind his calm and composed persona, is an extremely fun-loving, friendly and talkative person. One of the most approachable seniors in Enactus, Divyat is always willing to brainstorm with us, and ready to give suggestions and feedback whenever we need it! His dedication towards eating food from any lunch box was equally offset by his regularity at the gym, and his ability to manage multiple things at the same time remains an inspiration for us all!



He is the quintessential guy from Kolkata, or as he prefers, Calcutta. No one realises how time flies discussing projects and research with Sharad. His face is always beaming with a smile and makes everyone around him, happy and cheerful. His typical way of speaking has become addictive to many of us and has found way to one of our Kayakalp shows as well!



Rishi is one of the friendliest and most light-hearted people one can ever come across. He loves teasing and taunting absolutely everyone- something he did to his juniors throughout his second year!
His prudent words of encouragement and praise that come at the most difficult times not only help in livening the spirit of each and everyone around him, but also add to the charisma of this young entrepreneur.
In possession of a beaming smile capable of lighting up the entire town, Rishi is a perfectly brewed concoction of humour and wit. Wishing him all the success in life, and with the kind of gentleman that he is, we wish nothing but the best for him.



Aarushi needs no introduction in college. From topping the University in her very first year, to making it to IIM Ahmedabad (and Bangalore), she has added a million feathers to her hat already. Her never-give-up spirit is inspiring and infectious. Besides being compassionate and caring, she has a really fun side to her, and her humour may not be for the dummies but is bound to make you ROFL!



Samarth is the multi-talented genius whom everyone MUST meet. He is an excellent debater, quizzer, (script) writer and a football player. In short, he's witty and too cute! To top it all, his calm composure makes him a pleasant person to talk to! He's accomplished much but yet is as humble as it could get!



Got a problem? Nitya is the person you should head to. With immense patience and care, she will listen to you and give advice that you could bet your life on. But in case the advice doesn't work out the way you expected, her warm smile will make you feel better about the world and its ways. 
Being the sweetest person around, she makes sure that nobody is left unaffected by her contagious excitement about anything and everything.
One would feel obliged to have met her! 


You can observe her lost in her books at the library; you can find her tossing her hair frivolously at the co-op; you can spot her hiding her face at the sight of a camera!
If there is one word that's meant to define this versatile woman, it would be 'sunshine'. You can never help but keep marvelling at this girl with a golden heart! There's never a day when you don't wish well for her, because from the time you've spent with her, you fathom how immaculate her heart is. 
Words cannot do justice to the amount of love and respect we all carry for you. 

You're sunshine Jaya, may you shine bright, the way you always have.



There are very few people who possess wit and intellect in an equal ratio; well Sanket is one of them. It's absolutely impossible to outsmart Sanket as he never fails to impress all those around him with his quick-witted answers and immense knowledge on every subject matter!
Well that's not all to this Mr. Smarty Pants as he is equally funny, sarcastic, quirky and chucklesome, a person who undoubtedly excels at taking everyone's case.

May you continue to mesmerize people with your sharp reasoning and brilliance in the years to come.



The most creative senior, he exemplifies wit, humour, hard-work and dedication. A gifted singer, Sharanya pens down lyrics for puppet shows and negotiates deals with equal panaché. His million quirks, including his aversion to sitting in the metro, make him the crazy one in the batch. Ever smiling, he looks far ahead and envisions the project so close to his heart, going miles ahead. Charm and positivity are second nature to him, and we hope he retains these qualities as he makes his way to Bombay!



Bhavya is one of the most friendly and warm-hearted persons you'll come across. He is known for his sarcastic comments, puns, and trendy combinations of striped shirts and shorts. Bhavya is like that guy in every group who's in for every plan but somehow manages to get the best grades as well. Your crazy hairstyles, sarcastic comments and amazing football skills will be missed.



Tuheena, with her quick wit and brilliant sense of humour, can lighten up one's mood every time one meets her. 
A talented singer, one can endlessly listen to her sing. She's got beautiful eyes, making her a classic case of beauty with brains. Oh, and she's a brilliant writer- her blog is testimony to that fact!



It's quite amazing to see the kind of enthusiasm she has for each and every post and the way she can come up with a description in a couple of minutes. It's really inspiring to see the kind of passion and dedication she has towards Enactus and the PR Department. There were times when one got disheartened because despite having posts everyday, the organisation was not able to increase the reach of its pages, but she kept one motivated and pushed one to come up with a new campaign every time! She is one of the most hardworking members the  organisation has ever seen!


Canny and wise, rational and insightful, sweet and pleasant. That's our very own IPCC rank 6 in 6 words.

Pooja is an absolute genius! She undertakes the most complex tasks yet she succeeds in performing or we should say "conquering" them with much ease. Her humble and kind self has always made us look up to her with awe and admiration. We always find it practically impossible to understand how she manages to become the master of all trades so effortlessly.
Pooja, you are truly an inspiration! We are sure your great intelligence and hard-work will take you places!


Our seniors exemplify the virtues of hard work, dedication and determination. They embody the willingness to learn, to adapt and to grow. As they take leave of college, and for some of them, this city - we wish the best of luck in all that they have set out to do. Go forth and conquer the world, we're here to cheer you on!

Lots of love!

Edited by- Ilakshi and Keshav
Graphics and Picture Credits - Tanvi and Priyal
Compiled by - Anuj, Deeksha and Ananya
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