Tuesday, January 22, 2013

But some days are different.

I am a student – a regular student. I go to college every day, attend classes, crack a few jokes and hang out with my friends. I go through the week day after day doing the same things, sleeping late, pulling myself out of bed in the morning. 
But some days are different.
On those days, I wake up happier and much more alive than normal. These are the days I visit our community in Nekpur. The place is far off and the journey is long and even though I promise myself that I'll sleep soundly on the way, I usually stay up. And that's not because the sun usually shines very brightly on most Nekpur visits. It's just because I have such great company on the way.

On reaching the centre that has been set up in Nekpur, we are greeted with the smiling faces of the women. I like to believe that these women smile because they know that we are trying to impact their lives. Most of the time that I've spent with the community is during the training. Teaching them numbers and counting. When you try to make them understand something and they get it, you can see their confidence soar. That makes us feel optimistic and ecstatic at the same time. It makes us realize that if they had the opportunity to live up to their full potential, they could have achieved a lot. And being able to be a part of a project that gives them that opportunity feels really good. And then we teach them some more and crack a few jokes with them. We test whether they remember our names and think that we are too cool if they do. And then it's time to leave. We say our goodbyes and take their blessings. We sit in the car and head back. Even though we are mostly hungry by this time, yet we feel full and satisfied. The journey back is a little quiet. It's hard to talk when all everyone's doing is yawning. We do make plans of visits to come sometimes. And then the visit is done and the classes and tutorials start again until another one of these lucky days comes up.

-Ojas Sharma

Friday, January 18, 2013

Christmas Chronicles of Enactus, SRCC

The child to my left was a rather brave kid. And lucky me, he was also a bully. And I was his easy meat. The one to my right was an inquisitive little fellow.

In the festive season, I found myself watching the muppet adaptation of Charles Dickens’ 'A Christmas Carol'. For those who don’t know what “A Christmas Carol” is about – well, it’s a story of a miserly, cunning and cruel man called Scrooge, who doesn’t believe in Christmas or charity. He is haunted by the ghost of his former business partner, Marley who wants to mend Scrooge’s ways. Marley sends 3 spirits who take Scrooge to his past, present and his future and POOF! Scrooge is a changed man who now believes in charity and the spirit of Christmas.

The show was every child’s delight!  It was a very engaging play. As soon as the fascinating set was unveiled, everyone gasped in admiration. The kids trembled as Marley, from nowhere, called out to Scrooge. I kid you not; I held on to Dhriti and hid my face. The kid to my left very politely pointed at me and started laughing. I decided to feign bravery and sit up straight. Then came the ghost of Christmas past and he took Scrooge so suddenly at the speed of light and *BAM!* went the birthday cracker! Scrooge and the spirit disappeared and left our minds blown! It took me by surprise and before I knew it, I was hiding behind Dhriti again. Then came my favorite song, ‘Scrooge, Scrooge, Scrooge’. It’s been a month and that song is still stuck in my head. Quite like that chewing gum I found stuck under a desk one day. Just kidding :P. It wasn’t exactly the best song I’ve ever heard, but it’s like one of those songs from the Nirma commercials that just haunt you for life.

The mesmerizing storyline, crazy special effects and catchy songs ensured that I, along with everyone else in the auditorium had a blast!

-Jyotsna Mahajan

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

What's in a name ?

They say: What’s in a name? We say: A lot! So much so, that when SIFE changed to Enactus, we took it upon ourselves to tell the world about it. And what could have been a better way, in this tech-savvy age, than making a video to announce the same?

Thus came the idea of making a Stop-Motion Re-branding Video along the lines of what Enactus represents: Seeing possibilities, Taking action and Enabling progress.

Stop motion, as the Wiki-God defines it, is an animation technique to make a physically manipulated object appear to move on its own. The object is moved in small increments between individually photographed frames, creating the illusion of movement when the series of frames is played as a continuous sequence. Our video consists of 209 distinct photographs, each with a different background, drawn by tyro artists of the Enactus SRCC team.
Click here for the video. Watch it. Like it. Share it. Remember it. :D

Although the concept in the final video turned out right, it was preceded by several ideas – some of them pretty insane and disparate. Ranging from ‘seeing the possibility’ of buoyancy, picturising Archimedes, to portraying the legendary invention of the wheel; from rescuing a cat stuck on top of a tree using innovative ideas, to outlining the meandering river path (as bewildering as it can be) – it was a long and riveting journey to our destination. The conceptualization, the chalking out , literally CHALK-ing out of images on the blackboard and finally knitting it all together, brought out the hidden artists, actors and engineers in Enactus SRCC students.

Besides being a fulfilling experience, the making of this video led to some cross project friendships and generated revenue for the Dominos guys!

Lastly, while our name has changed, we still remain the same: ENtrepreneurs in ACTion, always committed to using the positive power of business to bring about a meaningful change in people's lives.

-Navya Singla

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