Wednesday, December 21, 2016

What Brims With Optimism and Opportunity

At Enactus SRCC, efforts are continually made to drive change and to engender passion. We immerse ourselves completely in the recruitment procedure to ensure that the ‘crème de la crème’ is taken on board to take the organization further. 

As our efforts come to fruition, our first year members recall their recruitment journey and experiences in the organisation so far.

20th July 2016, New Delhi: Having entered the portals of the college they have aspired getting into, the newly admitted students of Shri Ram College of Commerce, Delhi University, leave the auditorium after the orientation session with both anticipation and excitement. Torn to delightful shreds, these students suddenly developed a keen interest in a group huddled together outside the auditorium. They stood out from the rest of the student body in the college and sported blue t-shirts with ‘Enactus SRCC’ inscribed on them, stirring their curiosity even further. These fresh minds were extremely curious to know what Enactus stood for and who these students were. Through reliable sources, these students gathered that Enactus is a premier global student-run organization. “Enactus is a community of student and business leaders who use the power of entrepreneurial action to improve lives and create a better world.” said one senior student. The blue T-shirts left an indelible impression on the minds of the first year students who were still absorbing the multitude of avenues that could be explored in college. With commendable aspirations and the willingness to make a difference, the idea of social entrepreneurship cutting across all barriers and stereotypes to help the underprivileged sealed their determination to be a part of this community.

29th July 2016, New Delhi: Enactus at Shri Ram College of Commerce conducted its orientation, which turned out to be a huge success. Several first year students could be seen crowding outside Rooms 23, 24 and 25 1:00pm onwards. “The orientation was supposed to commence at 1:30pm and as soon as the rooms were ready, students rushed to grab a seat while others were left standing in a room imbued with energy”, said an observer. Owing to the expected influx of students, the orientation was carried out in three adjacent rooms, all equally crowded and frenzied. The orientation started off with hushing the crowd and ended with an amazed batch of first year students. Unabashed eagerness could be seen writ on each of the faces as they took notice of the number of students inducted in the previous batch: 40. “As the orientation was nearing its end, the only question on my mind was where the form could be filled and submitted”, said a first-year student. The orientation ended with the Enactus World Cup video which reflected the kind of togetherness, sportsmanship and diversity existing in the organization. The essence of empowerment, the importance of extending a hand and the tenacity of social entrepreneurship as an ideology drove right across to these students.

9th August 2016, New Delhi: When the registrations opened, a lively air resonated across the college. The feeling was mutual for every student – it was a concoction of excitement, nervousness and most importantly, passion. The forms were worded with questions which made the applicants think, use their grey cells and write about themselves in the most natural way. The group discussions which ensued were thought provoking, forcing the applicants to think deeply on various socioeconomic issues that exist in today’s world. Students kept the discussions alive beyond the four walls of the tutorial block and actively looked forward to the list of students who would have made it to the personal interview round, the final stage of recruitment.

19th August 2016, New Delhi: It was very apparent that most of the students selected for the personal interview round were terrified when they went in. Looking at the grim visages of the several interviewers, their fears did not seem to be unfounded. Fortunately, the interview itself turned out to be calming yet incisive, giving rise to so many new ideas and thoughts into the students’ minds that there wasn’t much space left for anxiety.

3rd September 2016, New Delhi: After an exhaustive recruitment process, Enactus SRCC finally released the list of students who had been recruited in the 2016 batch at 10:24pm. ‘The list of applicants who have been recruited into Enactus SRCC can be found at’ read the Facebook post. With bated breath and a pounding heart, applicants scrolled through the short list, motivated by the chance of seeing their name in the table. Some, however, were spared from this nerve-wracking procedure of knowing the results. “I checked my mobile phone by chance and saw it flooded with congratulatory messages. I didn’t even know that the results were out”, said Megha Singhal. The newly inducted team members rejoiced on being a part of the Enactus kindred.

21st December 2016, New Delhi: With more than three months into the organisation, these impressionable minds have transformed into more sensitive individuals, with the ability to rationalize and attempt to tackle the issues at hand. The quantum of involvement and vigour is worth witnessing in the team meetings which are held to discuss the issues plaguing society and the solutions that could be found to them. The organization keeps them on their toes and doesn’t hesitate to that ensure everyone delivers to their full potential.

Precision, punctuality, persistence and team work are the cornerstones of Enactus as an organization, and these have effectively percolated down to the first year members.

Right from travelling to the dairies running under Project Sattva near Karnal, Haryana to researching into various aspects of turning the world around, the journey has instilled a sense of empathy and belonging in them. “Joyfully matching tunes with the puppeteers in Shadipur, making laddoos with the didis in the dairies and moulding clay products with the potters in Uttam Nagar make me realize how Enactus SRCC is all about its communities”, said Insha Pandit.

With memories that keep them warm, hope that illuminates their mind, desire that provokes progress, work that keeps them busy and a happy heart that celebrates and savors each moment as a source of future experience and exuberance, all the first year members are delighted to have Enactus SRCC as a milestone in their academic and personal journey. They understand that what lies ahead of them shall only be a remarkable journey with many more lessons to learn and communities whom they shall help smile again.

Written by Arshita Malhotra, Insha Pandit and Zitin Kaul
Edited by Sudhrit Banerjee

Graphic by Arshita Malhotra
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