Tuesday, August 24, 2010

More great news!

Guys, guys, GUYS! I have so many things to tell you, I don't know where to start!

The happiest news of all is the 10 rikshaw launch happening tomorrow, Wednesday in the college parking lot in the presence of our principal. Yes, this means we have 10 more rikshaw pullers covered in our scheme, which means 10 more rikshaw pullers are going to be the proud owners of their brand new rikshaws, and 10 more rikshaw pullers are simply going to have more money and a better lifestyle, starting tomorrow. SIFE has made it possible. Great work, SIFE-mates!

In addition to that, 9 more loan documents have been deposited at Punjab National Bank, Vijay Nagar branch. The loans will most probably be sanctioned by the coming Monday.

That's 19 rikshaw pullers, this week.

Don't forget - 100 rikshaws, 25 days to go. We're getting there at a rapid pace.

In other news, as you all know Etasha Society will be conducting English lessons for our rikshaw pullers. They have published a small piece about SIFE, SRCC in their newsletter. Here is an excerpt from it, in which our Ian (sir) explains how they're going to go about the project.

The first demo class took place on 19th August and following an enthusiastic reception from the men the pilot will begin in two weeks’ time, once the program design is complete.  The project is not without its challenges explains ETASHA Program Coordinator Ian McBride, “All but 3 of the men are unable to read or write so we have had to adapt our methodology significantly.  The vocabulary and structures are still taught  through context-based conversation, but we cannot use the written word at any point. This presents the hardest challenge outside the classroom, where the men need to recall and study what they’ve learned.”   He explains  how ETASHA worked around it: 

We have designed the program so that all inputs are framed within the context of their work and we are providing each rickshaw-walla with his own personal cassette player and tape for practice, which is usually done through workbooks, worksheets and assignments.” Funding was arranged by SRCC’s SIFE chapter.

The classes will also be supplemented by visits, audio, role-play and movies as in ETASHA’s other classes, and will take place in evenings and Sundays, which will not interfere with the workers’ earnings. If the pilot is successful the program could be extended to a further 80 workers in the DU area.

We're in the process of arranging for the walkmans. A suitable vendor has been found, and the prices will be negotiated. 20 walkmans will be procured by Thursday.

Want to hear some more exciting news? There is the first mention of our project, "Crafting their Destinies" in the leading daily Hindustan Times. Here is the e-link of the article in the newspaper http://epaper.hindustantimes.com/PUBLICATIONS/HT/HD/2010/08/23/ArticleHtmls/An-endeavour-to-help-craft-their-destiny-23082010007010.shtml?Mode=1

We're doing a great job. SIFE-mates, pat yourselves on your backs for the great work you've all been doing.

Comments, please.


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