Sunday, July 10, 2011


The transitionary period is under way. While the first years are abuzz with excitement because of the fact that they'll soon be SIFE seniors, the second years are going through the senti phase of realization that they are retiring from mainstream SIFE work; they will now be regarded as the wise elders from whom we, first years, have inherited the legacy that is SIFE SRCC.

Recruitment planning is under way. Soon, college will reopen, the first years will arrive, they will stare at the main noticeboard, they will stare at each other, they will stare at the noticeboard again, they will be torn between a million posters and not know which one to read. Some of them will stumble upon the poster calling out to first years to attend SIFE SRCC's orientation. Some of those stumblers will stumble into the actual orientation; and a few of those will be the new SIFE SRCC members; to be moulded over the next one year to show all the characteristics of a typical SIFE SRCC member.

What characteristics? See my last post.

For the select few who avidly follow this blog and want to know the important dates, the orientation is tentatively on 25th July. It's a Saturday. Girls and guys, men and women, students and teachers, ghosts and dementors, pets and poltergeists, dead and the living, the living and the non-living, angels and demons, all are invited. We're such an open-minded society; we welcome one and all to the orientation, that's that. However, that is not to say that everyone (and everything) becomes a SIFE member. We will rattle you in our interviews before we let you in.

Just kidding, we'll be gentle! ......NOT. *Evil maniacal laughter*

I apologize. I will be a bit more professional on this blog as soon as recruitment begins and there's professional news to update here. For all the SIFE seniors eyeing me with disdain, I will even remove this post before recruitment begins, if it makes you feel better.


Priya said...

No! Dont remove! I couldn't stop smiling while reading it! :) Well written...

BTW. Orientation on 23rd? No! Its on the 25th, that is a Monday.....

Jishnu Gandhi said...

Exciting times up ahead!
Feel sorry for the new "ADVISORY MEMBERS" who will miss out on the fun!:p

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