Wednesday, September 14, 2011

...And the racking of brains begins!


  "I think we should go for this community, we can really come up with a path-breaking model!"
  "No, but what if...?"
  "Did you speak to this NGO?"
  "What is their group doing?"
   Above is just an excerpt from what you will overhear students saying nowadays to one another if u happen to sit in the library, canteen and many other nooks and corners of the campus.
  The groundwork for C2P has begun and the campus is abuzz with discussions, counter discussions, field-visits..and the very air is breathing enthusiasm. As posted earlier, C2P Case Grant Competition is an amazing
opportunity for students to test their entrepreneurial skills. Talking about entrepreneurial skills..(clears throat)
I would really like to appreciate the efforts put in by our seniors over these years, as now that we have got cracking with research, new ideas..we are realising what an uphill task it is to come up with a business model addressing a social cause. But, as Kahlil Gibran has very beautifully put- "The lust for comfort murders the passion of the soul.", we are not going to get daunted by the apparent enormity of the task!
  We are communicating with people we have never communicated with before, in the process of researching, we are also finding ourselves more and more enlightened with the problems being faced by the deprived sections of the society, we are fostering new friendships and having pure fun!
  Amidst all this, we met Shruti ma'am, the Chief Co-ordinator of Sife in North India. The vivacious lady that she is and the way she encouraged us, we are extremely happy to have her as our mentor.
  So, fuelling ourselves with chocolates and momos..we are all set to push the envelope further and hope we come off with flying colours.


Twinkle Uppal said...

The excitement amongst the participants and mentors is alike ! I am sure we will come up with amazing ideas !

Fuelling ourselves with chocolates and momos...I like the expression :)

Ashima Gupta said...

Its brilliant to see the participants and the mentors brimming with excitement :)
Truly, the ideation phase is quite challenging but the pleasure after implementing a successful business model makes up for the initial struggle..

Enjoy every phase of it :)
Good Luck

Surabhi said...

I second Ashima! Nothing like when all that hard work pays off :D
The feeling that you get after one successful phone call/meeting makes all the struggle worth it.

Mehak Nanner said...

wonderful! ..u guys seem all set to come up with a really 'path breaking model'. -lol.. keep up the spirit!!!
& im glad that there is focus on 'fostering new friendships and having pure fun!' cz that is why makes us a family!

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