Friday, September 16, 2011

...And this is what SIFE does to you!.

  SIFE- An international organization that promotes social entrepreneurship amongst students..Mark my words!..SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP!..And not mere charity is what we stand for..
  Just about two months ago, I was a commoner, a good Samaritan, a god-fearing citizen...but at the end of the day.."a commoner.” Whenever I would pass by a beggar on the road, I any ordinary person does, promptly reach for my wallet and toss a penny or two in the beggar’s hat. Hat? A correction there.. In India we do not have hats..vintage aluminium bowls is what you will toss your penny in! The person would smile at me and I would gladly go my way thinking I have done a great job. Oh! There would be no other person on this planet Earth as righteous as me!
   Two months later…I still come across the same limping men whining on the pavement, abandoned old women still catch my eye…But I am a changed person now! Now, the first thing that strikes my mind is..Can this be our next community? I stand there contemplating…how can we employ them? How can we help them so that we do not find them again on this pavement? Once on my way back home I encountered a blind man on the road…I almost roped him in an interview…but realizing after the first couple of questions that a world without light was no fun for him…the way it intrigued me…I let him go…but that was not it!
  On my way I kept pondering how can I bring light to worlds of people like him…whether we could add a meaning to their lives…and the quest is still on…
    So THIS is what SIFE does to you…or at least has done to me. We start where other people stop. And I hope this spirit never dies…


mehak nanner said...

This is soooo true..thats exactly how the mind starts working.. - on the rickshaw, while you walk, in class, in da metro... everywhere !!!

prerna said...

really love the thought that goes into each one of these posts... awesomely done :D

Surabhi said...

Hahaa true true!

Sameer said...

well done!!

Twinkle Uppal said...

This is so true ! I do that even while watching movies ! Amazingly written :)

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