Sunday, September 23, 2012


The much awaited SIFE SRCC Certificate Distribution Ceremony took place on Saturday, 22nd September 2012 and saw the  confluence of our entire SIFE team, our alumni and faculty advisor.

Apart from being a truly inspired by the work done by our seniors, it was also a complete joy ride for us first years , as we were shown the presentation that was projected at the SIFE National Competition illustrating our wide spectrum of community driven projects like Aahaar , Azmat , Kayakalp and Life On Wheels.
The event began with a description of our four current projects , their recent updates, timeline of progress and their impending course of action and reach by our seniors. In all the words they spoke, we could feel utter dedication and spirit for SIFE oozing out. The change in their expressions from happy to sympathetic to agonized was in perfect synergy with the the presentation which was put on the screen. They spoke as if the communities we work with can aspire to dream because of our selfless efforts. They spoke with pride about our success at all our projects and with an eye for future prospects. They spoke like people who have a heart for the world and mind for business!

Everybody in the Seminar Room watched the awe-inspiring presentation, appreciating the reason for the existence of SIFE and being utterly grateful for getting a place on this wave of change.  It felt great to be listening and applauding generously for the change makers who dared to give a new direction to the existing socially exploitative scenario of our communities.


These change makers are our alumni , seniors and faculty advisors - people we as SIFE first years  look up to and see the living proof of the phrase "Anybody can give money, not anybody can give love, and only few can give time"

It was their day! And yes they were being awarded certificates ! But, as rightly stated by one of the alumni, "This certificate is the LEAST that SIFE can give you"

Overall, WHAT A DAY !! Instilled in us so much more for the team and its aims. Filled our blood with so much commitment for our communities. Inspired us to be  SIFE-ers  not by name and stamp, but by dedication and spirit. Sowed in our hearts, the seeds of selfless effort because we, first years knew that next time it'll be US who will be in their shoes and will be getting clicked! But to be able to do that, we will have to take the way they took. Will have to work more than they did ...


!! CHEERS !!

Saturday, September 15, 2012

In too deep ! :D

Seasonal Incomes
         Inhuman surroundings      PowerLESS !

These are a few attributes of slums and their people that strike us when we think of POVERTY and its victims, whose only option is to ENDURE and submit to their fate...

Thinking thus, we develop a soft corner for such humans who are constantly braving life's inhuman atrocities.

To feel better, we like to call them our underprivileged counterparts.

But for the sake of introspection we must ask ourselves "Do they need this sympathy!?"
This superficial affection?

The answer is :


Because they are a bunch of aspiring young souls who will make their place outside the dingy hovels they were born in. They have the sun in their eyes and spirit in their hearts. They will not let indifference at the hands of those affluent brutes discourage their occupational legacy. They will carry on the beauty of the
PUPPETS that belonged to their forefathers and which kept their stomachs.
They are the puppeteers who love what they do...  
They are the wave of change and will draw crowds for sure!

These are the people who shall make it happen and call themselves SELF RELIANT!! 
They are our KAYAKALP puppeteers who will not let their unique art and skills fade away amidst other newer forms of entertainment. 

Such is the community of people we at SIFE SRCC work with !!

Such is the vision our projects tend.

Such is our contribution in helping the worthy know their worth.

I consider myself lucky to be a part of this CHANGE which is at the threshold of success .....

I am a SIFE-er and we sure know what we talk about !

Cheers ! :D

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