Friday, September 14, 2012


I still remember that fond day when my sister made me acquainted with the word SIFE, made me acquainted with the working of this organisation and with almost everything else related to SIFE. Since THAT day, I have had this uncontrollable urge to be a part of SIFE. In fact, the moment I got to know that I had made it to SRCC, I was jumping around not because I got into SRCC, but because my thought process went in the direction ‘Yeahhhh! Now, I can be a part of SIFE SRCC. :D

Trust me , I was waiting for no other society’s orientation but SIFE's and the budding enthusiasm I saw amongst the SIFE team members during the orientation - Oh my God!
I was completely flabbergasted, or should I say enthralled by all the SIFE projects. Then, started the challenge - Filling forms, GDs and  yes, the Grilling Interviews. But, thankfully all were cleared and FINALLY on August 23, I got a text message from Arjun, ‘Congratulations, you have made it to SIFE SRCC’. 

Okay, you know what! I wouldn’t go into the details of how I felt at that time because my feelings CANNOT be described, my reaction CANNOT be described. :p.
All I can say is that it was one of THE BEST days of my life.

Now the First meeting.... All of us in a mood of celebration but scared by that strict, stern look on our seniors' faces (By the way, that’s not true :p). Introductions and interactions, and guess what the Most SHOCKING thing was - That Undertaking. 300 hours! My GOD! Too much to ask for! All of us were literally in a state of shock, at least I was :p. 

But the great thing was that even the intimidating undertaking couldn’t shake our determination and our commitment towards SIFE.

Alright, so the meetings continued and finally we were allocated our Projects. Guys, this is a fact all of you would agree with - from the very next day, we got down to work. And for me, suddenly from 5 societies, it  came down to just SIFE, SIFE and SIFE.

And then came the FRESHERS!!!!!! The venue was as hot as SIFE and the SIFE members :p 

Oh my goodness! What a day it was -  games, dancing, *food*, interacting with the seniors.. everything just seemed perfect.

I would also like to express my excitement towards the project I have been allotted: Project Kayakalp.

In this project we have particularly identified a community of puppeteers in Kathputli colony of Shadipur Depot and in which we provide them with a sufficient source of income by capitalizing on existing markets through diversified contracts, and modernizing their art forms in order to tap newer markets. Yesterday, I visited a School for a Kayakalp meeting and it was truly an amazing experience.

Okay.So all I would like to say is….

SIFE had, has and will always have something for us to be fascinated about.

P.S- while writing this article, I just realised I have become so attached to SIFE in just 2 weeks. :)


Ankit Sawhney said...

It's great to see the enthusiasm! Keep the spirits high! :)

krishna said...

hope the enthusiasm continues with the same synergy :D

Unknown said...

Amazing to see such a great response in such a short span of time :) Hope it sustains :D

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