Sunday, June 30, 2013


Hardik and Jyotsna, as they complete their first year in college, talk about their first nationals experience. Hardik talks about the preparation time madness, while Jyotsna shares the after-nationals feeling. 

Before the nationals

Our alarm clock still rang at 7 in the morning. Yes, despite exams being over, we still went to college. All of us woke up to the dawn with the hope of a successful show and a victory in the regionals and the nationals. Even the unbearable heat wave failed to deter us in this objective. Almost the entire team gathered in college and set down to work, to present the entire year’s hard work in a few words, images and videos. Scripting was one activity in which every member contributed, through wise ideas and healthy criticism. Just as a loud voice would call out, “This sounds perfect”, a mellow voice would be heard, “I think it sounds better the other way”! And once again, umm sorry, for the tenth or the twentieth time, we would put on our thinking caps! Rounds of editing the scripts were fun and there was a lot to learn. When many heads met, we made sure that we selected the best.

Designing the presentation was yet another enjoyable activity. Looking for suitable videos and voice notes, editing the sound effects, making the power point look impactful – our creative team gave its best.
The most happening event was the launch of our website – Surfing through it lends immense pride and a feeling of making an impact.

As our seniors always say, “Project work should never stop”, we made sure that it continued. And what lends a sense of fulfilment to the hard work is the realization that it is the society that reaps the benefits.

While all the Enactus teams prepared for the competition that was to be held in Bombay, the upliftment of the target communities also took place. Every day we moved towards the basic objective of empowering the society through social entrepreneurship; and healthy, constructive competition through the Regionals and Nationals served as the most effective incentive for Enactus-ites to strive hard.

But there’s more to Enactus than work. Spending seven-eight hours together every day helps kindle new friendships. Interacting amicably with one another, having many hands on a few tiffins, sharing light moments, wandering for food in Kamla Nagar and Hudson Line – these memories would linger on for a long time to come. The two weeks of preparation have made us experience a mix of emotions – of laughter, joy, tiredness, exhaustion, encouragement, support, inspiration. Life is not just about taking pride in a few special moments, it’s about cherishing those seconds which pass by unnoticed and leave a smile on our faces.

And as we all geared up for the Regionals and the Nationals, we believed in ourselves that we can go there with our heads held high and reap the rewards of the hard work put in through the years.

After the nationals

As we reminisce over Enactus nationals 2013, we cherish every moment spent there. It was a realisation of a collective good that all the teams work towards. It was an emotional roller coaster, which strengthened our team spirit. Enactus SRCC placed 2nd at Enactus nationals 2013- it taught us to stay humble in our victory. Those 2 days taught us lessons for life. We feel honoured to have been a part of such an extraordinary event. It enabled us to network with many like-minded people from all over the country. The feeling is of enthusiasm and motivation after having seen so many presentations.
We will soon cushion our feet into our seniors’ shoes. As our seniors always emphasized, Enactus is not just a learning experience for us, but a better life for numerous communities; a ray of hope that opens possibilities and enables progress. The great leaders we looked up to till now, will now leave everything to us, and for the love of our communities we will take our projects to greater heights.

We hope for another year of great work, another year of impacting lives and being the change that we want to see.

Hardik and Jyotsna


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