Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Down the Memory Lane: Enactus 2013

When I first entered college, I was expecting to see a bunch of studious kids with their heads always buried in the books. That was the general aura of SRCC, the college with the highest of the high cut-offs. But when I actually got in, I realised that it was not the number game of pointers, but the sanguine student culture that made this college one of the best in the country. On interacting with my seniors, I found out that Enactus is a major society and being a part of it is both prestigious and tough. Not knowing much, I gave my best. After clearing vigorous rounds of group discussions and interview sessions, I finally found myself as a member of the team.

"Earlier, I had only heard of the professional effervescence. But being a member of the Enactus team, I witness it, everyday." 
We are given insights into the working of the projects, detailed explanations of their business models, technicalities and the success rates achieved, something which is unusual for a student body of teenagers.

I remember my first field visit, Kathputli Colony. Prior to this visit, I had prepared myself to see the award-winning slums of Slumdog Millionaire in front of my eyes. That’s when I realised that how Danny Boyle had conveniently shot only the aristocratic areas of a slum colony. As compared to the reality, those lanes now seem very wide. But I know that while these people may be staying in small cramped homes, they hold love and affection that surpasses all the need of physical space.
Very soon, I was a part of their families too.

Some might think that their dreams loom like a mirage in a hopeless world that disregards them. But we beg to differ. If the world would want to shut its eyes to their plight, we will give them a reason to look up. We, as Enactus members don’t work with these people because we want to see ourselves getting placed in the best companies, but because we want to secure their futures. We want to take away the tears and give them hope. We want to take away the struggle and give them the fruits.

My association with Enactus SRCC dates back to barely a few months. But in this brief period, I can sense the changes in my personality. Now when I see myself back then, I think that I was a typical urban brat who lived in a dreamy world, where everything fell into place without much tribulation. Now I have matured in many ways. I have seen what happens in the harsh reality. I have seen how even little steps can help scale the heights of success. Earlier, I believed in the spirit of sympathy and compassion. But, now I know that compassion is a virtue and feeding the blind a noble ideal, but blind compassion is pointless. In the end, it is the action you take that matters the most.

In the coming year, I look forward toward channelizing all my energy into creating opportunities for our communities. I look forward towards trying to change the world around me, for the better.

I sincerely hope and pray 2014 rings the bells of optimism and peace in abundance.
Wishing everyone A Very Happy and Prosperous New Year.

- Anshika Gupta


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