Monday, September 15, 2014

Enactus: A Journey Through My Recruitment

I remember hearing more of Enactus than any other society when I first joined SRCC. I remember reading and re-reading the words “Seeing possibilities. Taking action. Enabling progress”. Such inspiring words! To be able to harness the potential intrinsic to every human being, appealed to me endlessly, and before long, I wanted to join Enactus SRCC more than anything else.

The recruitment process consisted of three stages.

First, we had to fill a form, wherein we had to elucidate upon our initial ideas for harboring in change through social entrepreneurship. The form also offered options to apply to the creative wing, thereby tapping skills such as photography, media outreach and photo editing among others.

The second phase involved a group discussion where groups of six to seven students were given different topics of socio-economic, political and cultural importance. Applicants were given a minute each to think about the topic and prepare their standpoint. The group discussions witnessed students opposing and supporting a particular viewpoint. At the end, each candidate got about a minute, to sum up the results of the group discussion.

Those who were lucky enough to have made it through the group discussion round waited with trepidation for their Personal Interviews, the third and final step of the Enactus recruitment process. These interviews were conducted by second year members of Enactus SRCC. The interview gauged communication skills, adaptability to different situations, as well as the ability to interact with the communities that we will be working with.

After such a rigorous and mind-churning recruitment process, I feel exhilarated to be a part of Enactus SRCC. It is indeed a beautiful feeling to know that I am part of change, for the betterment of lives. What can be nobler than helping people realize the maximum that they are capable of? What can be more fulfilling than making people smile, because they are empowered, and their own efforts have come to fruition? The journey is long, and this is just the beginning.

 - Rai Sengupta


Anonymous said...

Bravo (y)

Anonymous said...

I want to be a part too :')

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