Saturday, August 28, 2010

DU Darshan for the freshers

The rikshaw launch was fabulous, though some of the rikshaw pullers seem to be having issues with their new rikshaws -  cycle chains are not firm enough, the wheels get punctured even on smooth roads, and other minor issues that can we rectified. SIFE is sending all the problematic rikshaws back to the vendor to have everything fixed - which will happen in a day's time - and the rikshaws will be given back to their owners.

Meanwhile, some SIFE freshers went for the DU Darshan yesterday. You would be marvelled at how the rikshaw puller is able to drive you around as well as be your guide - he speaks so well about the various monuments that he could really set up his own "guide" business, if only there were enough visitors to all those monuments. Really, I don't think most of us are aware that North Campus has anything of historical importance, it's just colleges and nothing else - and the DU Darshan proves just how wrong we are. There are monuments - each one with a fascinating history, and a fascinating rikshaw puller explaining that to you.


Don't the rikshaw pullers look smart? They're SIFE rikshaw pullers, after all! Don't worry, Calvin, you look smart too!

The rikshaw puller standing with us here is the chief guide - Ram Shiromani Bhaiya


prerna said...

the pictures are great...looks like u guys had enjoyed it(don't burst my bubble)... nd im really happy that the rickshaw pullers did a good job. i was afraid they would be a bit rusty.
So now all u guys have to do is spread the word... people have to know DU Darshan isn't just bout history.... its fun!! :)

mehak said...


i luv da pics :))da ashokan piller one is my personal favortite (calvin n surabhi - *wink*)im glad all of you went for it and the rickshaw pullers actually took da initiative to tell you about it...finally aftr all the months of training ;)

n i hope u ppl actually saw da college clock tower from Pir luks superb!!!
N hopefully work at mutiny memorial would be completed in time so dat we can add it back on our tour map :)

Pratima Sinha said...

the pictures really look good!!! seems u guys enjoyed a lot... bt unfortunately i missed it :(
i really really wana go!! please organise anothr tour asap!!! :)

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