Sunday, October 23, 2011

We're good...And its certified!

Note- We do not work for certificates in SIFE.
Note again- But after working our pants-off throughout the year, if we are getting one, covered in an opulent blue amongst and by people who really matter, are we complaining? Absolutely not!
        The SIFE Certificate Distribution Ceremony was finally held on 21st October. The ceremony was held to acknowledge the efforts put in by all our SIFE 2nd and 3rd years in the past academic year.
         We had Mr. Ajay Maken, Minister of sports and youth affairs (independent charge) as chief guest! (Need we say more to elaborate on the worthiness of what we do!) Well, keeping all feelings of self-worth and general good (ness) aside, his mere presence was an inspiration for all of us. Another highlight of the ceremony was the distribution of gifts to those rickshaw pullers who have successfully repaid their loans. Trust me, the joy that was evident from their faces was so heart-warming, it made up for all the sweat and toil that has gone into the project.
       While Abhay Sir shied throughout the ceremony from receiving bouquets and the surprise-certificate we had planned for him, we want to add one thing, no certificate or bouquet can spell the amount of gratefulness that we have for you sir.
       For our seniors, it was a momentous occasion as they received the certificates, but for the freshers as well, it was a huge occasion. We got the official SIFE badge, that thing of beauty which each of the freshers was seen flaunting. And what was even more momentous for the freshers was the after ceremony, the refreshments! And also, our first official SIFE pose!
      All in all, it was a splendid affair, applauding the efforts of the seniors as well as luring the freshers to work even harder..after all not every member of SIFE gets the certificate!

Friday, September 30, 2011

To the winners and the winners!

29 September, 2011.- The D-Day for all C2P participants. After days of hardwork, late night researching and field visits, the day finally arrived.
  The event kickstarted with sweaty, shivering hands and frequent visits to the loo, progressed with the 13 teams coming up with a myriad of ideas, from agriculture to art, to alternative energy sources and drug addiction, we saw it all, and it all ended with a bunch of smiling faces.
  Kudos to all participants! And our heartiest congratulations to all the three winning guys deserved every bit of it! One message for Arushi, Shreyasi and Shruti, 3 of our SIFE freshers who were adjudged one of the winning teams...SUPER PROUD OF U GUYS!
 C2P proved to be a great learning experience for all us freshers, being more than a mere competition, it left us enriched  with lessons valued by all budding entrepreneurs.
  They say you win some and you lose some...but C2P has been all about winning..hearts, friends, experience and of course the grants...:)

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Time to Rise and Shine!

    We have lows too...In SIFE while we work on a project, we put in all our heart and soul in that, (...having a first-hand experience of that while working for C2P), but there are those occasions when something or the other doesn't work out, we have a mental block when the faculties of the mind just refuse to suggest something, compelling us to doubt our presence in SIFE. But our SIFE team is such that the shortcomings of one is made up for by the virtues of another and vice-versa. SIFE is a melting pot of ideas and the latest
development in Aahaar proves me right...
    Aahaar is ready for trials on Monday for a factory and we have our fingers crossed. After a bleak period, Aahaar, the baby of all our second years is finally getting its dues...
    It is a great motivation for all us freshers reminding us of what Churchill once said.."Kites rise highest against the wind-not with it."

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Are we in or are we not?


  Well...the probation period has finally ended...and the one question that is troubling each of the freshers is..."Dude...I hope they haven't chucked me out!"
   Talking of probation...following were the changes that freshers underwent when they awoke to the idea that.."Dude...I COULD...AFTER ALL.. be chucked out!"
1) Firstly those freshers who were...not a long while back looked upon as epitomes of tardiness, alarmingly started reaching before time on all SIFE meetings!
2) Another alarming activity was noticed. Seniors were almost pestered to assign work to the freshers and Surabhi was often heard pacifying people with the line.."Dont worry! We are not going to chuck you out just because WE didnt give you a chance to work!"
3) Then, all those who, earlier, conveniently made up for their lack of response to the mails sent to them by innocently stating, " net crashed," were found checking their mails as much as five times a day! Phew!
4) Even the quitest of freshers were found grabbing one senior or another and outpouring all that they gathered from the research they did..sometimes even making imaginary problems to prove they had been working!

    This is the quality of SIFE. It keeps us on our toes. It teaches us to value time. It instillls in us what is called professionalism...But all said and done...the question still remains..."Are we in or are we not?"

Friday, September 16, 2011

...And this is what SIFE does to you!.

  SIFE- An international organization that promotes social entrepreneurship amongst students..Mark my words!..SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP!..And not mere charity is what we stand for..
  Just about two months ago, I was a commoner, a good Samaritan, a god-fearing citizen...but at the end of the day.."a commoner.” Whenever I would pass by a beggar on the road, I any ordinary person does, promptly reach for my wallet and toss a penny or two in the beggar’s hat. Hat? A correction there.. In India we do not have hats..vintage aluminium bowls is what you will toss your penny in! The person would smile at me and I would gladly go my way thinking I have done a great job. Oh! There would be no other person on this planet Earth as righteous as me!
   Two months later…I still come across the same limping men whining on the pavement, abandoned old women still catch my eye…But I am a changed person now! Now, the first thing that strikes my mind is..Can this be our next community? I stand there contemplating…how can we employ them? How can we help them so that we do not find them again on this pavement? Once on my way back home I encountered a blind man on the road…I almost roped him in an interview…but realizing after the first couple of questions that a world without light was no fun for him…the way it intrigued me…I let him go…but that was not it!
  On my way I kept pondering how can I bring light to worlds of people like him…whether we could add a meaning to their lives…and the quest is still on…
    So THIS is what SIFE does to you…or at least has done to me. We start where other people stop. And I hope this spirit never dies…

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

...And the racking of brains begins!


  "I think we should go for this community, we can really come up with a path-breaking model!"
  "No, but what if...?"
  "Did you speak to this NGO?"
  "What is their group doing?"
   Above is just an excerpt from what you will overhear students saying nowadays to one another if u happen to sit in the library, canteen and many other nooks and corners of the campus.
  The groundwork for C2P has begun and the campus is abuzz with discussions, counter discussions, field-visits..and the very air is breathing enthusiasm. As posted earlier, C2P Case Grant Competition is an amazing
opportunity for students to test their entrepreneurial skills. Talking about entrepreneurial skills..(clears throat)
I would really like to appreciate the efforts put in by our seniors over these years, as now that we have got cracking with research, new ideas..we are realising what an uphill task it is to come up with a business model addressing a social cause. But, as Kahlil Gibran has very beautifully put- "The lust for comfort murders the passion of the soul.", we are not going to get daunted by the apparent enormity of the task!
  We are communicating with people we have never communicated with before, in the process of researching, we are also finding ourselves more and more enlightened with the problems being faced by the deprived sections of the society, we are fostering new friendships and having pure fun!
  Amidst all this, we met Shruti ma'am, the Chief Co-ordinator of Sife in North India. The vivacious lady that she is and the way she encouraged us, we are extremely happy to have her as our mentor.
  So, fuelling ourselves with chocolates and momos..we are all set to push the envelope further and hope we come off with flying colours.

Thursday, September 8, 2011


Meeting, a term which is looked upon with utmost seriousness. A platform where people interact, exchange ideas and take important decisions. Our SIFE meetings are no different. We have a very intellectual hour (hours) of discussion. That doesn’t mean they are boring, of course not. We have our bit of fun. Let me elucidate.

Our meetings start on a very positive note. We have people running and coming from all parts of the college. SIFE is very particular when it comes to punctuality. So the first aim while attending a meeting is to make it on time. There is nothing exciting about standing outside the room when the meeting is going on. Then we move on to the attendance. For some reason attendance is always a very funny part of the meetings. Like a typical classroom attendance we have some people forgetting to respond when it’s their turn and others who respond in a hilarious way (every single person including the writer of this article falls in either of the two categories). What follows the attendance is as I had mentioned earlier, serious and important discussions.

Every week all of us wait for the gathering of our little family. A time when we laugh, a time when we work. We crack jokes and we take notes. Nowhere is it said that meetings should be all about business, it’s about social life as well. After all in SIFE your colleagues are your close friends and comrades

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

What's happening @ SRCC

SRCC is buzzing with the election campaigns going on in full swing. Posters, placards and pamphlets are the only things that are visible. (Imagine some supporters were also distributing bookmarks in the library!!) On the other hand some people are just enjoying the days off on Wednesday and Friday. Everyone please come to vote and exercise your right. REMEMBER bad officials are elected by good citizens who do not vote.

Also just a reminder for everyone, the deadline for applying to the C2P Case Grant Competition is 9th September. So all of you hurry up and register! And spread the word around too! Encourage your friends to take part in this amazing opportunity. We want as many applications as possible. All of us at SIFE are working hard to make it a success.

I’ve learned that people will forget what you said,
People will forget what you did,
But people will never forget how you made them feel.
(Source unknown)

So go ahead and come up with an idea to help the society

SIFE is presenting all its freshers with an opportunity to discover our potential and realize what all we are capable of. All of us are truly enjoying the time we spend with SIFE in its meetings, discussions.........etc Bye to all :)

Saturday, September 3, 2011


SIFE SRCC has taken part in an initiative called Campus Community Program which gives all the students a chance to come up with their own social entrepreneurship projects. It gives us an opportunity to employ our creative and analytical minds and come up with a project to benefit a community. SIFE held an orientation for the same on the 2nd of September. And guess what? If the project is too good, it could be the next SIFE project!! Isn’t that a really big incentive? Everyone at SIFE go pass the word around and encourage more and more people to take part. We all hope this program is a huge success and an enriching experience for many of us. The essence of this programme is captured in this quote by Barack Obama-“Find somebody to be successful for. Raise their hopes. Think of their needs. That is true success in life.”

Meanwhile, the first years are getting a first-hand experience of the functioning of SIFE and its organised methods. Doing something productive for the society gives all of us great pleasure and we enjoy work a lot. With the support and guidance of the second years we soon hope to make valuable contributions.

Before you begin a thing, remind yourself that difficulties and delays quite impossible to foresee are ahead. If you could see them clearly, naturally you could do a great deal to get rid of them but you can't. You can only see one thing clearly and that is your goal. Form a mental vision of that and cling to it through thick and thin.

Friday, September 2, 2011


       Leaders form an integral part of any organization, whether it be formal or informal. Leadership is an all pervasive process. They bring an order to the group and inspires their followers. It is only through their guidance and efforts with which the taste of success becomes more sweet. Thus it is quite evident that leaders are necessary to overcome the hurdles that obstruct the path to glory.
     There is one thing about leadership, the torch has to be passed on. One of the most important duties of a leader is to train their followers to become future leaders and that is exactly what has happened in SIFE, the process of succession. The newly declared leaders, I am sure owe  their growth to their seniors. This is what we expect too and this is what we will be taught.
      I hope that by next year we will be worthy of being leaders and manage the phenomenon that SIFE is. The year ahead is definitely going to be a tough and a challenging one. Why worry? After all we are blessed with talented leaders. All I got to say is ‘BRING IT ON’!!!!

Thursday, September 1, 2011


Today was a very important day for everyone at SIFE. The third year members along with Abhay Sir, our faculty advisor announced the posts of responsibility to be held by the second years which are
President-Surabhi Seth                                                                        
Co-President- Twinkle Uppal
Director Of Finance-Pujya Priyadarshini
Director of Aahaar- Ankit Sawhney
Director of Life On Wheels-Puja Verma
Director of Public Relations-Harshini Shanker
Director of Creative – Jishnu Gandhi
Director of Campus Community Program -Sameer Sheikh

Very big congratulations to all of you!! As the saying goes- with great powers great responsibilities come themselves. We hope you enjoy your new positions.

The first years had a very enjoyable time today listening to the experiences of our seniors, the impact SIFE has on their lives and how it can really evolve us as a professional. We realized that what one gives to SIFE is just a small fraction what one gets back from it. We would definitely value their advice and try to incorporate all the good values in our characters. This has motivated us a lot to contribute as much as each of us can.

Work at SIFE has started in full swing and we are learning new things every day and having new experiences. We have a lot to learn from our seniors. We do look forward to more SIFE experiences to come our way.

Signing off for today

Wednesday, August 31, 2011


         Work is about to start in full swing. The newly recruited members were allotted one among the three major projects of SIFE SRCC. Our seniors out of their strong belief in the democratic approach gave us the freedom to choose the project of our liking- Life On Wheels, DU Darshan or Aahar. But the problem was ‘what to choose’.
       Each project is different in itself. Life On Wheels being the oldest project and a very popular one attracted us for the same reasons. This project had become a phenomenon with which people identified SIFE SRCC. DU Darshan, though comparatively new, offered us with opportunities to organize and conduct campus tours. Sounds exciting doesn’t it? Finally we come to Aahar. The latest project. The project which truly redefines Social Entrepreneurship, the future prospects of which are indeed very bright.
      So I guess I have made it clear why we had a tough time making a choice. When we expressed this confusion during the project allocation, our seniors ensured us that we would be given the opportunity to work in all the three projects. The experience thus gained would assist us in making an informed choice later. The dilemma is over for now. I am sure that soon all of us will definitely be able to relate ourselves to a project. Once we do that we will for sure give it our level best!!

Monday, August 29, 2011


The DU Darshan tour (Foodies Delight and Campus ki Asli Knowledge) organised today specially for the SIFE freshers was indeed amazing and exciting. We enjoyed a lot and North Campus on rickshaws was truly a delight!!

Starting from the Vice Chancellors Lodge the little knick-knacks and trivia about the area were very interesting. Though we couldn’t see the place famous for Lord Mountbatten’s love interest as some of us wanted but we had fun taking the photographs there. The weather was very hot so the Bantas in front of St. Stephens College was very refreshing (some people were having it for the first time :O). We also got to know an astonishing fact about the founder of our college Sir Shri Ram.

Next we were off to Kamla Nagar and everyone enjoyed indulging into the street food of Delhi- Chaat and Kulfi. (No more tours on Mondays- Bille Di Hatti is closed  ) Aadil was a great guide and Pratima got us Tandoori Momos from QD’s. The new experience of eating momos on the rosd was fun. The first years got an idea of how the tour is conducted. Each of us is desperately waiting for the next tour-Back to the Roots. Hope we have it in the coming week.

So lets all of us gear up to work hard to take more and more people on the DU Darshan and hop on to the rickshaws! Its absolutely worth the time!

Sunday, August 28, 2011


  My first SIFE field visit was as fun, exciting and thrilling as it could possibly be. The goal of our mission was to convince the defaulters of the Life on Wheels Project to make payments on time and to make them aware of the consequences of further defaults in payments. We started this expedition at 7:30 in the night, and if you think getting a rickshaw from the North Campus is an easy affair, you are wrong. (I can’t really blame the rickshaws as we were asking them to take us to three remote places and then back to Vijay Nagar…just a three hour process, nothing really time consuming :P). Finally luck sided with us and we were able to get a ride from GTB Nagar.
       Midway I saw my senior companion (Ayush) jump out of the rickshaw, leaving me wonderstruck. Soon I realized that he had spotted one of our preys, a rickshaw puller. What happened next was indeed very impressive. Ayush, whom I perceived to be a very soft person, transformed into a very serious person and in a scary yet gentle way started the process of convincing. He had stopped being a college student and had become a SIFE representative. All I could do was stand in awe.
      After this unexpected encounter, our first destination was Gopalpur  followed by Jharoda and Sant Nagar. We met many of the rickshaw pullers under the Life on Wheels project. All had the same set of reasons for not repaying the money, which would definitely melt a common man. I was prepared for this, thanks to Puja who had warned me beforehand.
      Though we had to walk through stinking lanes, though we were followed by dogs and cows, though we had to bear a quirky ride for three hours, I would call the mission an overall success. It gave me a real taste of SIFE work and I can’t wait for more!!

Saturday, August 27, 2011


A very hearty congratulations to Ashima Gupta, Mehak Nanner , Gaurav Agrawal, Akshat Kalra , Palash Jain and Varun Aggarwal for getting placed. All of us at SIFE SRCC wish you all the very best. (Do tell us how to go about the placement interviews! )

The certificate distribution ceremony for SIFE is coming up which has got all of us on our toes. It’s a proud day for all SIFE members as they get fecilitated for all the hard work they put in throughout the year. The first years have been given responsibilities and are really excited to have their first bit of work at hand! We are excited to attend our first SIFE function and are desperately waiting for it.

Getting into SIFE was tough for each one of us with the nerve racking and taxing selection process- the application forms, the group discussions and interviews. We all feared we won’t make it at some point of time or another. But with the recent work given- taking attendance, making birthday lists, keeping minutes of the meeting, project allocation and not to forget...... writing blogs the feeling of being a SIFE member is finally sinking in. And I’m lovin’ it! :D

Bye everyone and let the comments rolling…………

Friday, August 26, 2011


      SIFE, an organization which can help you grow in many ways, a very sought after organization. Once you are actually a part of it you realize that the prospects of personal growth and development it offers are beyond your imagination. Being a new member of SIFE SRCC the first factor that got my attention was the warmth between its members. The way my seniors interact with each other actually made me think of the whole group as a huge FAMILY.
         In business terms we call it ‘networking ‘, sounds too sophisticated?  In layman language it can be called friendship, attachment and many other synonyms. So one thing is for sure, in SIFE SRCC one will definitely make good ‘networks’ of friends. After all, we are all social animals and cannot survive in inhospitable environments. Mark my words when I say this, if you want to actually belong to a society rather than being mere members then SIFE SRCC is the society to be in.
       I don’t want to give a wrong impression by glorifying the social aspect of SIFE, it’s not just about making friends but it’s also about constant hard work and perseverance. The projects undertaken in the past speak for themselves, whether it be LOW, AAHAR or DU DARSHAN. The fact that we freshers  for real will get to work on these projects and very soon will conceive a project of our own is very exciting . The experience so far, though short, has been great!! It is quite obvious given most of the new members (me included) can’t stop the rush of excitement when they hear ‘SIFE’. As the famous proverb goes ‘WELL BEGUN IS HALF DONE’, I hope and pray that the three years ahead would be even more fun, challenging and educating. 

Thursday, August 25, 2011


Wishing everyone a very Happy Independence Day and Happy Janmashtmi!

SIFE SRCC was invited to give a presentation on Project Aahaar on the 23rd of August by PEHEL which is Delhi University’s Womens’ Support Group at the Faculty of Arts. The event was graced by some eminent professors of Delhi University and other interested students. The presentation was followed by an interactive question answer session. It was an honour for us and indeed an enthralling and a learning experience. All these events boost our self-esteem and confidence and help us evolve as better individuals. We look forward to more such opportunities.

Meanwhile the newest members of SIFE had a great time bonding with each other as well as with the seniors at the SIFE fresher’s party. All of us enjoyed ourselves to the core. (We also look ahead to more of such food! :D)

The first years have delightfully started attending the meetings bringing along all their excitement, enthusiasm and innovative ideas. They are rearing to go and are totally supported by everyone who is a part of SIFE SRCC. They surely have a long way to go to make a mark for themselves. The new year of SIFE has finally kick-started with an influx of energy and we hope it is a successful year for all of us.

Friday, August 5, 2011

And the year begins.

Firstly, sorry for putting all of you freshers through such a tedious and rigorous recruitment process. Although it was tiresome, we certainly had the time of our life getting to know you all. All our little bonding sessions with you guys in the waiting room, the solo singing and the group singing, (and no matter how much you argue, it WAS a bonding session and not even close to ragging. SIFE SRCC wouldn't DREAM of ragging a fresher.) - fun, fun, FUN! For those of you who missed it, one of your batchmates was in fact audacious enough to sing the national anthem for all of us. It was a hilarious sight, with all of us standing on attention while she sang, and trying SO HARD not to laugh! To save her the embarrassment I won't name her!

Secondly, congratulations to all the freshers who made it into SIFE SRCC this year! We're more than excited to start working with you guys. Your enthusiasm and more importantly, your patience, through the week-long recruitment procedure was just refreshing.

Thirdly, this goes for all of you freshers out there. Please don't behave dead around your fellow freshers, the way most of you did at the waiting room. It was a real ordeal for us to get you guys to loosen up and talk (and sing. :P) SIFE SRCC humbly requests all of you to be as noisy and annoying as you can in a public space.

Whether you made it into SIFE or not, each and every one of you is special and talented. We at SIFE SRCC sincerely hope we can all remain friends.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Welcome Freshers!

The orientation was a huuuge success!

Never in a million years did we anticipate that so many freshers would turn up. We were doubtful if one classroom would fill up, and we ended up running 3 orientations simultaneously, and each of the 3 classrooms was JAM PACKED!

This is not to brag or anything, but we'd like to thank all the freshers who attended the orientation. You guys rock! We hope the orientation helped you understand how SIFE works and helped you make your decision.

Oh, almost forgot - congratulations on making it to SRCC! You're the first 100% batch this college has had, so surely you guys will make SIFE rock if you join, with those 100% brains of yours and what not.

As you all know, application forms for SIFE are available at the Xerox shop. We'll be collecting forms on Saturday, Monday and Tuesday at the auditorium steps from 1.15 to 1.30 pm every day. In case of any queries, either leave a comment here or on our facebook page or simply call us on the numbers specified in the info part of our facebook page. We're good, kind kids too - we'll be happy to help you out!

Sunday, July 10, 2011


The transitionary period is under way. While the first years are abuzz with excitement because of the fact that they'll soon be SIFE seniors, the second years are going through the senti phase of realization that they are retiring from mainstream SIFE work; they will now be regarded as the wise elders from whom we, first years, have inherited the legacy that is SIFE SRCC.

Recruitment planning is under way. Soon, college will reopen, the first years will arrive, they will stare at the main noticeboard, they will stare at each other, they will stare at the noticeboard again, they will be torn between a million posters and not know which one to read. Some of them will stumble upon the poster calling out to first years to attend SIFE SRCC's orientation. Some of those stumblers will stumble into the actual orientation; and a few of those will be the new SIFE SRCC members; to be moulded over the next one year to show all the characteristics of a typical SIFE SRCC member.

What characteristics? See my last post.

For the select few who avidly follow this blog and want to know the important dates, the orientation is tentatively on 25th July. It's a Saturday. Girls and guys, men and women, students and teachers, ghosts and dementors, pets and poltergeists, dead and the living, the living and the non-living, angels and demons, all are invited. We're such an open-minded society; we welcome one and all to the orientation, that's that. However, that is not to say that everyone (and everything) becomes a SIFE member. We will rattle you in our interviews before we let you in.

Just kidding, we'll be gentle! ......NOT. *Evil maniacal laughter*

I apologize. I will be a bit more professional on this blog as soon as recruitment begins and there's professional news to update here. For all the SIFE seniors eyeing me with disdain, I will even remove this post before recruitment begins, if it makes you feel better.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Top 10 things you should know about SIFE SRCC

10. People who live around Campus take longest to arrive at a meeting, whereas people from Noida, Gurgaon and other places over 30 kms away from college always arrive first.

9. When it is time to cut the cake for the month's birthdays, 100% attendance and on-dot punctuality are observed.

8. When any SIFE SRCC member gets a haircut, it is the talk of the team for the next one week.

7. On a phone call with a SIFE SRCC senior, the first thing you hear the senior say is "How are you?" even if it is the 10th time you're talking on that day.

6. There is a way of telling if the team is going to be scolded at a meeting from the way Ashima talks and Mehak stands. There are premonitions all around the room.

5. Every year, there is one SIFE SRCC member who is known to eat like they will never eat in their life again.

4. SIFE SRCC non-vegetarians are under the impression that all vegetarians are paneer fanatics.

3. Freebies are a must and need to be collected irrespective of how unnecessary, useless, and ridiculous they are. The most important meeting of the year may be under way, the sky may be falling, or a rhinoceros may be ravaging the Campus, yet when a SIFE SRCC member hears of freebies being distributed somewhere, they will leave their brains behind and run to the distribution center faster than the rhino.

2. No matter how hard you try, you'll forget to take a photo when an amazing project moment occurs.

1. No one knows to pose for photos better than SIFE SRCC girls.

I hereby declare that to the best of my knowledge, all the information in this post are 100% factual. Any resemblance to a real person is entirely intentional, and not at all coincidental. Comments welcome.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Nationals 2011

It has been a long journey for SIFE SRCC. The regionals, the nationals semi-finals, the nationals finals - and although the entire journey was over in less than a week, it feels like an eternity. We won second place in the Nationals 2011!

After all, who doesn't like having a platform to present what they've done throughout the year? It's nice to receive recognition for a year of hard work, and every team at the Regionals and Nationals throughout India well deserved it.

On behalf of SIFE SRCC, I congratulate every team for their effort to empower people throughout the year. A special congratulations to SIFE S.S.C.B.S - SIFE India Champions 2011 and representative team for SIFE India at the prestigious SIFE World Cup! S.S.C.B.S well deserved it and we at SIFE SRCC will be waiting for them to bring India the World Cup!

I'd also like to thank all fellow SIFE teams for their support for SRCC at the Nationals. It's nice when we can forget that we belong to different colleges and be united under the banner of 'Students in Free Enterprise'; be united in our goal to make a difference.

Mumbai is fabulous at this time of the year. We experienced much-awaited short, pleasant spells of rain. We visited the amazing Marine Drive, ate at the famous Bademiya, and roamed around all night in the NITIE Campus.

Feel, feel, feel.

Photos and more on our Facebook page - Click here

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

THE launch

SIFE SRCC has reached a milestone - we have officially 100 rickshaw pullers under our Life on Wheels project!

The launch was held on 21st January in SRCC. Guess who the Chief Guest was? Hon'ble Chief Minister of Delhi, Smt. Sheila Dikshit, consented to be our Chief Guest and attended the function.

The set-up for the function was elegant - the stage and seating area surrounded by our very special designer rickshaws designed by leading designers in Fashion Design Council of India. The Chief Minister was astounded when she entered the function and she took her time in inspecting each designer rickshaw, all the while surrounded by the media. Mr. Sunil Sethi, President of Fashion Design Council of India, and our guest of honor (AND an alumnus of our SRCC), showed these rickshaws and the inspiration behind them to the Chief Minister.

Our other guests of honour Mr. Sanjay Sinho, CEO of American India Foundation and Mr. V.K. Khanna, Field General Manager, Punjab National Bank.

The Chief Minister, in her speech, spoke about the need for a vehicle-free campus and said she will speak to the Vice Chancellor of the University to initiate steps for the same. She talked about how she herself was a student at Delhi University, and how the only noises one should hear in a campus like ours is the noise students make.

The launch was HUGE for SIFE SRCC folks - this was our first major event! 100 more is our target by the end of this year. Keep up the spirit, fellow SIFE-mates!
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