Friday, July 22, 2011

Welcome Freshers!

The orientation was a huuuge success!

Never in a million years did we anticipate that so many freshers would turn up. We were doubtful if one classroom would fill up, and we ended up running 3 orientations simultaneously, and each of the 3 classrooms was JAM PACKED!

This is not to brag or anything, but we'd like to thank all the freshers who attended the orientation. You guys rock! We hope the orientation helped you understand how SIFE works and helped you make your decision.

Oh, almost forgot - congratulations on making it to SRCC! You're the first 100% batch this college has had, so surely you guys will make SIFE rock if you join, with those 100% brains of yours and what not.

As you all know, application forms for SIFE are available at the Xerox shop. We'll be collecting forms on Saturday, Monday and Tuesday at the auditorium steps from 1.15 to 1.30 pm every day. In case of any queries, either leave a comment here or on our facebook page or simply call us on the numbers specified in the info part of our facebook page. We're good, kind kids too - we'll be happy to help you out!


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