Thursday, September 8, 2011


Meeting, a term which is looked upon with utmost seriousness. A platform where people interact, exchange ideas and take important decisions. Our SIFE meetings are no different. We have a very intellectual hour (hours) of discussion. That doesn’t mean they are boring, of course not. We have our bit of fun. Let me elucidate.

Our meetings start on a very positive note. We have people running and coming from all parts of the college. SIFE is very particular when it comes to punctuality. So the first aim while attending a meeting is to make it on time. There is nothing exciting about standing outside the room when the meeting is going on. Then we move on to the attendance. For some reason attendance is always a very funny part of the meetings. Like a typical classroom attendance we have some people forgetting to respond when it’s their turn and others who respond in a hilarious way (every single person including the writer of this article falls in either of the two categories). What follows the attendance is as I had mentioned earlier, serious and important discussions.

Every week all of us wait for the gathering of our little family. A time when we laugh, a time when we work. We crack jokes and we take notes. Nowhere is it said that meetings should be all about business, it’s about social life as well. After all in SIFE your colleagues are your close friends and comrades


Surabhi Seth said...

Glad to see the meetings are serving their purpose :)

Harshini said...

I gotta positively notice the attendance time. The lighter moments of a meeting are always great. Love this post!

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