Sunday, September 25, 2011

Time to Rise and Shine!

    We have lows too...In SIFE while we work on a project, we put in all our heart and soul in that, (...having a first-hand experience of that while working for C2P), but there are those occasions when something or the other doesn't work out, we have a mental block when the faculties of the mind just refuse to suggest something, compelling us to doubt our presence in SIFE. But our SIFE team is such that the shortcomings of one is made up for by the virtues of another and vice-versa. SIFE is a melting pot of ideas and the latest
development in Aahaar proves me right...
    Aahaar is ready for trials on Monday for a factory and we have our fingers crossed. After a bleak period, Aahaar, the baby of all our second years is finally getting its dues...
    It is a great motivation for all us freshers reminding us of what Churchill once said.."Kites rise highest against the wind-not with it."


Noopur Sen said...

Can't wait to hear what happens there! Luck to everybody heading out tomorrow morning :)

Chhavi said...


krishna said...

we do face mental blocks...the best part is that we rise above...great work vatsala!!

Twinkle Uppal said...

This is by far the most emotional blog ! :)
@Vatsala : Amazing !

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