Saturday, September 15, 2012

It is about finding the MAN in a business',man' !

The CASE GRANT competition has rolled for the second time. We, in collaboration with the C2P Foundation have provided all undergraduate students from institutes in the Delhi NCR region, an opportunity to implement their ideas and apply classroom learning to positively impact a community in need through business models.

When we roamed colleges talking to people about this competition, some seemed excited, enthusiastic and appreciative (these 'some' are the ones who applied for it later) while others felt we were being too utopian, too idealistic.. but we feel we have the power to turn IDEAL INTO REAL and make it happen. We have the power to empower.
Hearty congratulations to all our participants, for their belief in social entrepreneurship has the potential to bring about a paradigm shift in the concept of business. Business should not -- ought not to be all about maximizing monetary gain. A social entrepreneur recognizes a social problem and uses entrepreneurial principles to organize, create and manage a social venture to achieve a desired social change. 

The winners of the CASE GRANT Competition-the three best business ideas get a grant of Rs. 30,000 each in order to implement their models. 
We believe that this competition will be an enriching experience for all participants. Right from the identification of a community in need to brainstorming of how to help them in a sustainable manner to working in a team to cost accounting to management principles to winning a competition – there is a lot to learn at every step. And no it doesn’t stop there. We are sure all the participants, regardless of whether they win the competition or not, will seek to implement their B-plans.

One advice we as SIFE members wish to give to all our participants : Unlike all other extra curriculars that you do, do not participate in our competition solely for getting it on your resumes (although it will be a stand out in your CV and benefit you immensely, but still).

 Feel for the community. Be passionate about bringing a change to their present conditions. 
Do it because you know they rest their hopes in you and do it because you know you want to stand up for the same.


Shruti said...

Hi! Nice work!! And I, for one, can totally relate to it :)

Unknown said...

A very thought provoking read :)

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