Monday, December 3, 2012


I don't  know about my  batch mates, but when I was inducted  into Enactus, I knew that this was my redemption ; my holy dip in the Ganga .

So, when it came down to finally doing some fieldwork after a month of photocopying schedules and putting up posters, we were all  set and I was ready to pacify the scores of rickshaw pullers, who I was sure would  get all teary eyed while telling us about their problems (My mother keeps telling me that Bollywood  has too much influence over me).
 The clock struck four and far, far away, you could see a battalion of  men dressed in blue (colour of their Enactus uniform) slowly walking towards us, just like that last scene in Black Hawk Down (Hollywood also has a considerable influence).

When they  were about ten feet away, I started panicking because I couldn't decide whether I should say Namaste with a nod or Namaste in the proper air-hostess manner. So, I decided  to tell my senior that I had had a bit too many gol gappas the day before and vanished from the scene. I slyly slid back inside and hid behind a senior when they were all seated .

On a totally different note, over the past 3 months my seniors have come to replace my parents and my parents are very happy with this development. I see one missed call from my senior and start running around the house like a headless chicken ; I miss a deadline and ..ohhhh…..; and whenever I’m not sure about anything, I just hide behind a senior.

Anyway, then we started going around, talking to rickshaw pullers. We first asked them their names (reply came within  5 seconds ) , then their age which usually got them thinking a little longer and hardly anybody seemed to have  crossed 35 even though the wrinkles and grey hair suggested otherwise . Then came the dicey question, "Are you married?". Those who weren't married blushed and giggled helplessly and those who were married also blushed and giggled terribly even though their own kids were married.

Then came another question – their kids' names. Some were pretty quick with their replies but some were not so sure. They would start with Dharmendra, Jeetendra, Govinda and then amnesia would kick in and then slowly the names would trickle in and just when I would start back , the last name would be yelled out –“ Rani !!”  ….( uff mera filmy dimaag !)

But slowly I realised that this is how it is ; beyond the apparent amnesia and blushing, these were honest men  who earned an honest living by working hard day and night and deserved a chance to live without  being exploited . It was an overwhelming feeling being there and yes, I did feel redeemed !

-Mehul Mitali


Unknown said...

A look through your blog was nothing less than the revival of my memories too.
I still remember, it was my first day of induction into enactus and my first work too. I just loved it.
I loved the way u described it.....

Kanika said...

very well written.. Truly amazing :)

Krishna said...

Love your humour :D

Shruti said...

Thats great work Mehul!! Keep it up ;)

Unknown said...

Thankyou ! everyone :)

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