Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Enactus SRCC: Taking Action, Changing Lives. 

Some changes are transient, some a bit more permanent. But there are some rare changes which are imprinting, for they change lives.  Here at Enactus SRCC, we try to bring about one of those. 
In this three part series, we bring to you the stories of such change. Stories of people, including ourselves, of how they’ve witnessed this change and have been a part. More importantly, how they’ve played their part.  

Part One: The Team 

Enactus has changed me in beautiful ways, many that I probably don’t even realize. I’ve witnessed the sinister reality, where some are living in the absence of most basic of amenities while some have all one could wish for. As a gleam of hope, there are some who are willing to give away. My journey with Enactus has truly been the most enriching experience of my life. -Shruti Paul, Advisory Board Member  

 “Enactus is much more than team  meetings, field visits or brain-storming  sessions, it is a journey where we  witness ourselves grow, imbibe and  give-back. Here we learn to have a  “head for the business and a heart for  the world.”  
Nehal Garg, Advisory Board Member 

When you first enter the team as a first year member, you don’t know much about 
Enactus. You see those few black shirts with the yellow logo. You only know that it is one of the most respected societies of college. Soon you learn the reason behind this awe, and why it is not just a society but something far more.  

Enactus has changed my perspective; it has empowered me so that I too, can impact lives. This optimism is a unique one. Indeed, each step makes a difference.” 

– Kanupriya Puri, Team Member 

 “We live with the hope that one day,  everything will be okay. I finally get a  chance to make it okay for someone.” 
 – Medha Gupta, Team Member 

Enactus has made me look beyond the horizons, to hear the silent, and do what need to be done.”

Pooja Aggarwal, Team Member 

From there you embark upon a journey, a journey like no other. It changes you and your perspective of the world.  As the year ends, you realize that you’ve had experiences that will remain unparalleled for a lifetime.  

 “Over the last one year, I’ve learnt so  much. I’ve made  great friends and I’ve  met the most amazing communities.  And the fact that, in my capacity as a  full time student, I’ve  contributed towards improving the  lives of people makes it  all more the  worthwhile. 
Anmol Kaur Grewal, President 

“When I started with Enactus, I thought of it as a platform to do my bit for the world. But now, after a year, I’ve realized that it is much more than that. I relate my journey to the things that I’ve learnt and the family I’ve gained along the way. I’d describe my experience through the extreme emotions that I’ve felt, the inside jokes that we’ve cracked and the memories that will stay with forever.” 
– Ojas, Director: Community, Project Azmat

 “I now realize that there is much more  to Enactus than the idea of  social  entrepreneurship. You make a  difference not only to a specific  community but also to yourself. You  learn a lot in  every aspect, develop your  skills, make friends, along with making  a  difference in the world.”
-Samin Bhargava, Co-President 

And as you proceed into your third year, you know that you’re richer. You’re richer in knowledge, experience and skillsBeing a part of Enactus makes you realize your true potential for creating change and imbibing it.  

“Besides the satisfaction of serving people around me, I’ve gained professional skills; soft skills that really mark an edge on me!” 
– Sambhav Raj, Advisory Board Member 

 “In Enactus, the head and heart works  together for empowering those in need  and attaining a sense of purpose in  one’s own life too. The experience has  been loads of learning, fun and most of  all, the satisfaction of creating an  impact which is both tangible and  intangible.” 
Priyanka Ravishankar, Advisory Board Member 

Enactus made me put a smile on faces that needed it more than the most, I can’t ask for more!” 
– D.C. Tarun, Advisory Board Member 

We, here at Enactus SRCC, believe that this is a journey which never ends! 

 “When Enactus was SIFE, we used to  say SIFE for life. The name may’ve  changed, but the feeling remains and  will remain the same.” 
 –Arjun Sahai, Advisory Board Member 

 Next week we’ll bring you another story, story of people whose lives we strive to change. Keep watching this space for more!  


Unknown said...

It's a beautifully compiled and heartwarming piece. Keep up the good work! :)

Unknown said...

i am looking forward to my enactus experience

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